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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
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    Monday, December 21, 2009
    Hey guys
    Aayush again forgot to publish the winners!

    But o well here are the winners

    20 funny things for christmas,winner:starlet17
    1) I'd like everyone to be a christmas pudding so we'd never be hungry.
    2) I'd like to take ChoSanta to a ChoGym to help him lose weight so he can regain it next year.
    3) I'd love ChoSanta to give me a reindeer so I can visit him in the North Pole whenever I wanted.
    4) I want everyone to be a candycane except me so I can eat you all up.
    5) I'd like to have magical powers so I'd never have to visit the Magic Shop ever again.
    6) I'd like a statue of me in cafe street so I'd be on Chobots forever. =)
    7) I'd like to be made the Mod of all Mods. =D THE ULTIMATE MOD
    8) I want ChoSanta to fly across my screen and throw me his hat to keep.
    9) I would like to be made a chess piece whenever I said 'IT'S CHESS TIME', so I could run and jump over all the over players pieces then I would win.
    10) I'd like to be made into an elf and create my own ChoClothes for the Shop. =)
    11) I'd like everyone to be happy and smile for my blog so I'd have the happiest chobot picture ever =D
    12) This Christmas I'd like to be the butterfly wings to be 1000 bugs so I could buy every colour of the rainbow!
    13) I'd like to have a huge ChoSnowballFight in ChoHistory.
    14) I'd like to be able to roll snowballs to make a big SnowCho.
    15) I would like everyone to see me flying on ChoSanta's sleigh.
    16) I'd like there to be a switch-a-roo day when citizens became agents. Juniors became Moderators. Agents became Citizens and Moderators became Juniors. So they'd know what it feels like to be another person.
    17) I'd like my ChoHouse to be a snow globe so I can shake myself about =) and have snow in my ChoHouse =)
    18) I'd like to ride a polar bear that ChoSanta has brought on his sleigh.
    19) I would like my Christmas on Chobots to have a room full of candycanes, snow, gum drops, gingerbread men, chocolate and other christmas food, so it's always Christmas there and delious. =P
    20) I'd like to be the Christmas Star in the ChoNativity, so I can light up the Chobot World =)

    and now punish the aayush!((nooo im soo scared!))
    Floppyjacky is the winner:

    I will give aayush the punishment of/to paint all the tress in chobots in every server once in blue then red then green and all over again.

    PS:i think each single punishment u said should happen to aayush!

    -aayush runs away-



    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    Thanks =) ~Starlet17~

    Anonymous said...

    what about the story making comp?

    Smurfet said...

    ahah ) i was laughing quite long. Thnx Starlet17 :)

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