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    Sunday, December 27, 2009
    hey guys
    You didn't have a contest from a while?well lets make it now!

    you have to define some words
    the most brief explanations gets both S shirt and 3000 bugs!
    also this contest will have 4 winners!!!

    you have to define:
    1. Chopajev
    2. Chopix
    3. Park
    4. Smurfet
    5. Sweet Battle
    6. Aayush
    Note:the more definition the better definition of all are not necessary but still the more and brief explanations will win.


    Mcfreddy said...

    1. Chopajev is a game also known as sliders where you use checker pieces to try to knock out the opponents pieces.
    2. Chopix is a person who gives you a quest to find 5 robots for him and you have to give them back to him and he gives you bugs in return.
    3. Park is a place where there are benches and other things for kids to play on like a playground but Chobots Park has nothing like that, all it has is: On Christmas it has Santa and on weekends it has Chopix. Now the Park is famous and a lot of people hang out there.
    4. Smurfet is a mod that likes carrots, bunnies, and rabbits. He is well-known. He is always green. He likes to party and likes to listen to other people's ideas.
    5. Sweet Battle is a game that has various places you can battle in. You can throw pie, stars, candy, etc. You have to make your opponents health go from 100 to 0 by hitting him/her with those items.
    6. Aayush is an agent that likes making jokes. He made a lot of competitions for cool prizes. He is a cool Chobot. He is well-known.

    Hope I win. =D

    Plutonio said...

    1.Chopajev-The game sliders is also know in this word,wherin you can use the checkers pieces and this word is found at the top of the score board if there are compeitions.
    2.Chopix-Is a special kind of agent who gives you a mission to find robots so you can help chobots gain peace always he let you find 5 robots and when you finsih youll get bugs.
    3.Park-Is a place where chobots have parties and where chopix or cho-santa can be found park has a lots of games that can give you its a good place to earn bugs.
    4.Smurfet is a moderator on chobots who wear bunny mask and likes carrots.He is known in parties and like magics. He answer to chobots needs.
    5.Sweet Battle-Is a kind of game found in rope street and park it gives you 100 bugs for every win this game you can throw food to attack your oppenent like candy and pie.Your goal is to hit your opponent with food until his health went down.
    6.Aayush is a very kind chobot he is an agent and cares for everyone he likes helping especially to the entire chobots team.
    ~Thank-you Aayush for making this contest

    Mcfreddy said...

    btw aayush if i win can u give the s shirt to mcparent? thats my other account who doesnt have one. i have like 5. lol

    Anonymous said...

    1.Chopajev- sliders game at the academy

    2.Chopix-a robot at teh park, if you do his mission (finding nichos) you win money

    3.Park- the place where most of teh parties are located and you can play 2 games there: chothrow and robot battle

    4.Smurfet- the best bunny mod ever! lol he has many contests on his blog

    5.Sweet Battle- a game at rope street where you throw food at other people

    6.Aayush- an awesome agent whose has many fun contests and likes helping other chobots

    Anonymous said...

    New authors contest at!
    COmment and invite ur friends and try to win!

    1. Chopajev - A sliders Competition!
    2. Chopix - A robot that gives u free Glasses - with them u can do his mission!
    Easy way to earn money fast!!
    3. Park - Awsome location where CHopix is located! Also it shows u the Chobots time
    4. Smurfet - An awsome moderator who loves the bunnies XD
    - Awsome blog - has own T-shirt
    5. Sweet Battle - Interesting game on Chobots wich u can play with ur friends!
    Its located at Rope street!
    Also its for competitions!
    6. Aayush - a proud agent on chobots that help others, respect rules - one of the best agents there is!

    Please enter the author contest at my blog!
    And hope i win :P

    _Jess_ said...

    chopajev-sliders game located at academy street and inside the academy. You have to try to knock out opponent's pieces first one to loose all pieces loose the game.

    Chopix-a mission that is located in park usually comes in weekends. You have to find 5 robots around the city when you bring each one back you get 50 bugs and when you finish the mission you get 1000 bugs. (double amount if citizen)

    Park-location on chobots where you can play alot of games like sweet battle, chothrow and chopix. Park is covered in snow in winter.

    Smurfet-a moderator on chobots, he owns this blogs, he loves bunny and the color green. He makes alot of parties also posts on the official chobots blog.

    Sweet Battle-a game you can play in park or sweet battle area. You throw sweets at the opponent, the person whose energy gets to 0 looses the game.

    Aayush-agent on chobots, makes alot of contests on this blog.


    Anonymous said...

    1.Chopajev is a game sittuate in academy street.Its the fun game and perfect play with your friends;).

    2.Chopix its a agent-robot.He give a special glasses for find the 5 robots spy.He has a statue in the park.

    3.Park is the location reality cool.Here are cho-santa and chopix.There is a clock and a big statuete of chopix:)

    4.Smurfet is moderator.He has a personal t-shirt.Your like bunny,carrots.Your favorite color is green and yellow.

    5.Sweet battle it in park and in the rope street.He have 2 versions,first version is in rope street and 2rd version is in the park.

    6.Aayush is a agent and author in the smurfet blog.He is the best agent because help other chobots:).


    kiwii said...

    Chopajev:sliders competition which you can find at the acedemy.
    Chopix:chopix gives you mission to capture all the spies in the chobots worlds.
    Park:a place to hang out,parties,sometimes a Christmas park on Christmas.
    Smurfet:most funny,playfull mod.Loves bunnies and parties.
    Sweet Battle:A game in which 2 or more people compete for bugs.Really fun.
    Aayush:An agent and author of Smurfets blog.Helps other chobots.

    Anonymous said...

    This entry is from Netman13!

    1. Chopajev is a game on a board outside the Academy. The object of the game is to knock the other chobots pieces off the board.

    2. Chopix has a mission for you to find 5 nicho robots hidden in the city of Cho. You get 50 or 100 bugs depending on citizen or not and at the end of the mission you get 1000 or 2000 bugs.

    3. The Park is a place that shows the Cho time and chopix is there on occasion for his mission you can also play sweet battle, robots, and Cho throw.

    4. Smurfet is my friend on chobots he is a moderator who like bunnies! He also loves carrots. :D

    5. Sweet Battle is in Rope Street and the Park. There and 2 different kinds of it too there original is in the Rope Street and the newer version is in the park. It is a game where you have 100 points and you throw stuff at your opponent until they or you have 0 points left.

    6. Aayush is a good friend of mine that works on this blog with Smurfet and friends. He is an agent on chobots that has lots of fun interesting contests. :D


    chewer said...

    Chopajev: A game what you can enjoy beating other players.

    Chopix: A chobot that needs help finding robots, And its your mission to find them.

    Park: a room where most partys are planned and you can also chill-out there.

    Smurfet: A moderator on chobots, Who is very kind and my fave mod.

    Sweet Battle: A brilliant game Where you through stuff like pie, popcorn, and more.

    Aayush: an agent on chobots who loves to help people, Very kind and caring.


    nikita911 said...

    i dont really understand thise contest:(

    valikoss said...

    Chopajev known also as Sliders Game it is located in Academy street(2 tables) and as well in the Academy( 2 tables) it can be played by 2 players but someone can also watch the game. Each Players has 8 checker piecies( gold and brown)the loser gets 20 coins and the winner gets 100(non-citizen)

    Chopix Agent in Chobots not a real player. He usually comes to chobots in Sunday and he is located in Park usually Vanilla if you talk to him and it is your first time you get special glasses and you have the mission to find 5 spies and for each spy you get to him you get 50 coins when you finish the quest he gives you 1000 coins

    Park one of the most famous locations in chobots the games you can find there are sweet battle and Chothrow( this year in Christmas you can find two areas for Robots Battles till 4 level). Park is usually the first place which changes when a big event happens. In Christmas has a christmas tree and a lot of snow

    Smurfet one of the main Mods of chobots. He usually wears green clothes and a green rabbit mask he is funny and he likes to party he can stay up late so he can have a party( a recent one is at the Nichos Kingdom). He has a blog which is he has 6 authors and 436 followers right now. His blog is included in the official chobots blog and he is an author there as well.He is 297 days old right now

    Sweet Battle a game located in Park and at the Rope Street the players can be 2-3. Winner gets 50 coins and the loser 10(non-citizen). To play this game you have to stand on a purple area and another chobot to another one then you click a purple area and then you are being transfered to a place where the battle starts. You can use basically sweet things like candies and cakes but you can also use other things like CDs and stars. There are 4 battle areas and all of them are wonderful you can also benefit from things are around the battle areas

    Aayush an agent in Chobots and author in Smurfet's blog but he also has 2 other blogs they are almost the same the one has 1 follower and the other one has 15( in this blog Paris006 is an author there too).

    I would like a S shirt thnx -Valikoss-

    Cauchemar is my chobot said...

    Chopajev is a game at the academy also known as sliders
    Chopix is a guy you get quests from at the park
    Park is a place where chopix resignes sometimes and lots of partys occur there
    Smurfet is the owner of this blog and a mod
    Sweet Battle is a game at rope street and the park
    Aayush is a forgetful agent

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    chopajev is sliders
    chopix is a guy who gives quests
    park is where many partys occur
    smurfet is the owner of this blog and a mod
    aayush is an agent and blog author

    Driger said...

    Chopajev: A multiplayer game on Chobots also known as Sliders which can only be played with 2 players. The object of the game is to remove all the opponents piece of the board with your's.

    Chopix: A secret agent who has a important mission to find all the Nichos spies. You will receive a goggle from him in order to see the spies.

    Park: A room where Chopix's statue is place on the center of the room. Due to some special events or holidays the park will sometimes redesign. It is also a place where Chopix will give out missions to people.

    Smurfet: A moderator who help make Chobots a better place. He is also the owner of the blog chobotsmurfet.

    Sweet Battle: A 3 player game on Chobots which can be played with 2 or 3 players. It is located at the Rope Street.

    Aayush: A proud agent on Chobots and also an proud author of Smurfet's blog.

    Sorry Aayush I don't really know you because you see I'm new on Chobots and I never met you.
    PS:my username is Driger on Chobots :D

    Anonymous said...

    1.Chopajev: Chopajev is a game played at the academy and is another name for checkers in chobots
    2.Chopix: A helpful chobot when it comes to bugs-he gives you a mission and at the end you will be rewarded with 500 bugs.
    3.Park: a place in chobots where you can play Cho throw, sweet battle and battle with robots under level 4
    4.Smurfet: An awesome mod that loves bunnies and eating lots of fresh orange carrots
    5.Sweet Battle: A game which is located in the park and at rope street which you have to win by defeating the opponent with candy
    6.Aayush: another awesome chobot agent which is really helpful with posting on Smurfet's blog :)

    smirky w♥ter said...

    Is a game also known as sliders. The aim of the game is to knock all the opponents checkers/sliders off the board through the 4 holes in each corner. How to play.. Use your pointer/mouse and click on the slider you wish to slide across the board to knock the opponents out. Pull back as far as you want, the further, the more power. To shoot, let go. And to aim move the mouse to the direction you want to hit.

    Is a Chobot located in park. You speak to him, and he gives you a mission. To go find the evil spy nichos, as he himself, is a secret agent. He gives you some goggles to make the Nichos visible, without them, Nichos are not visible. After you have found all the spies he will reward with 500 bugs. What generosity!

    Is located at the bottom of the Chobots map. Its normal design has a large statue of Cho-pix in the centre. And also on that statue is a Cho-Time. Below the park, is the Hidden Agents Location (agents only.) And this park is often changed its appearance due to seasons or upcoming yearly events. Cho-Santa and Cho-pix are located here. Also, you can play sweet battle, Cho-Throw and robots (only for level 4s and under).
    One of my fave mods, good friends with jessie. Hosts the best parties ever, and loves Bunnies! Everyone loves Smurfet for his fun-loving, funny, cool and giving attidute. Also owns (PASSION FOR CARROTS!)
    -Sweet Battle-
    A fun game located in Rope Street. The aim is to end up your opposition having no pints left after starting with 100. The way to decrease their points is my throwing candy at them and shooting them with gob stoppers. :)
    A great agent that has been helping the Chobots game be safe for some time now. He is a great author on Smurfy's blog and is a 'top' agent. If I had to use on word to describe him, it would be... AWESOME.

    Hope you like my entry! Hope you had a great Xmas and happy hols! My chobot name is smirk. :D Bye!

    ♫Skett♫ said...

    Chopajev- a game wherin two players will try to knockout their oppenents pieces out of the board and the winner who knocks all of the pieces out of the board wins.

    Chopix-an agent in Chobots who gives us a special mission to capture 5 robots who r spying on the Chobots world and he only comes on Saturdays.

    Park-a special location that is loacted at the bottom of the map thar connects to the cafe street,eco,and the robots arena and has games like sweet battle,robot fights,cho-throw and thats where Chopix comes to give missions.

    Smurfet-a great mod who loves carrots and likes bunnies and is a great host in parties who made the carrot backpack and loves doing magic and is a young moderator and is a great friend of Jessie

    Sweet Battle-a fun game located in Rope Street wherein the opponents needs to eliminate the other opponent in the game using food like cakes,candy,popcorn,etc. the person who eliminates the other opponent wins.

    Aayush-an agent in Chobots one of the second generation agents also a helper in the Chobots world who trys to keep Chobots safe by following the rules and loves his camo suit and umbrella :D

    Well those are my definitions and also aayush I was supposed to get my s-shirt from potter909's poetry about smurfet contest and smurfet amde an update and asked for my username but he said it though and smurfet if u r reading this pls rember the contest about the poetry about u and this line "like a god so divine" :)


    Thanskie said...

    1. Chopajev: it is a very cool game at the Academy and also inside teh classroom. Outside the Academy are 2 also in the classroom are 2. It is a game where in you will use like checker pieces & u will remove all the pieces of ur opponent. It is at the Top of Academy and the entrance of teh Classroom. When you play this game, you will feel like playing sliders. It is a non-citizen game.

    2. Chopix: is an agent that keeps the world of chobots safe. Also, Chopix needs help from every random chobots in the park. Chopix was located the the park, on the number #1 of the clock, also its below the agents room. Chopix is a free mission for citizens and non- citizens. If its your 1st time to speak w/ him, He will give u a Chopix Mask. You need that mask to find teh 5 robots he was looking for. if you find every 1 robot, u got 50 bugs, if u find them all, u got 1000 bugs. but last week chopix only gave 500 bugs. :/ nevermind.

    3. Park:The Park is where Chopix is located. :D The park also is where the hidden agents room is also located. :D The park when christmas season, was decorated w/ lights, snow! :D The Park has games like sweet battles, and now, has chothrow! it is now also for non citizens! woot! ;-) Oh I frgot, Chopix's statue is at the center of the park, also at the center of the clock. :] Now, there is robot for level4. :D

    4. Smurfet:oh, smurfet is a moderator on chobots. Smurfet likes teh color green. He also liek carrots, :D and he often wears bunnymask that is green! SMurfet also makes the world of chobots safe and good. He bans bad chobots that is against the rules like dating, spamming,scamming, etc. Smurfet has his own blog. right now! He likes to party out w/ wonderful chobots! He is soo creative. He's a positive thinker.

    5. Sweet Battle: it is an awesome game on chobots, in the rope street and in the park. Players can be either 2-5 players. Winners of teh game gets 100 bugs. But the 2nd placer up to the 5th placer will only get 10 bugs. When playing the sweet battle, you have so many sweets to thorw to! :D like the following: candies, bubbles, star candies, gum, hotdogs, popcorns, and some more. each player has 100 lives. the theme in the sweet battle may be different, it is randomized. :]

    6. Aayush:oh, this one was an agent! Aayush never releases his camo clothes and his headphone! :D also maybe his umbrella. he makes other chobots sake and well behave. He is so artistic! He is also an author of teh blog here on Smurfet's blog. He like to make contest and also he liek to give away cool prizes to teh winners liek paintbrush: if teh contest was about drawing, "s" shirt: any cool contest, and 3000 bugs! He likes to make funny jokes when I met him sometimes. He is a wonderful agent! He is also at the top 10 agent! :]


    mctothemax said...

    1.chopajev is a fancy name for the sliders game on chobots in which the aim of the game is to knock all of the opponents slider counters of the game board

    2. chopix is a well known agent on chobots that hosts a few games such as chopix's mission where the object is to gather up the evil mini spy nichos(bad creatures trying to ruin the energy of cho)that could be anywhere around the city but you'll need some speed candy (you can buy this at the magic shop),teleport magic(provided at magic shop but for citizens) and more of your choice and thats just one of the games, the other two are chopix racing and chopix adventures.

    3.the park is a location on chobots that has a variety of games to play such as sweet battle,chothrow,robot battle and you can also apply to chopix's mission to gather the evil spy robots from the city.

    4.smurfet is my favourite mod due to all of his awesome and fun party's and fantastic competitions giving chobots chances to win fun prizes for your chobot he likes bunnies and always wheres a green bunny mask and carrot backpack.

    5. sweet battle is 1 of the many games played at the park where the aim of the game is to hit your opponent/s as many times up to 100 points with the variety of sweets.candy,pies,stars,bubbles and many more.

    6.finally Aayush is a popular agent on chobots because he is always helping others and enjoys being an author contributing on smurfet's blog.Aayush is also well known for usually seen wearing a pirate costume and is an experienced robots player on chobots

    thanks for reading::))

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