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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Hey guys
Aayush Missed his 360 bday party and now the 550 posts party aswell!
aayush forgot about both of his and u decide what happens to him for this!
you have to tell a punishment for aayush!
winner gets S shirt or 3000 bugs(his choice)
Format:I will give aayush the punishment of/to _____________
Ps:answers should be funny!
Aayush Missed his 360 bday party and now the 550 posts party aswell!
aayush forgot about both of his and u decide what happens to him for this!
you have to tell a punishment for aayush!
winner gets S shirt or 3000 bugs(his choice)
Format:I will give aayush the punishment of/to _____________
Ps:answers should be funny!
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Aayush should be thrown into Cho-Jail Until The Next Party Ends, So He Missed The Fun Learning A Lesson That People Hate Not Having Parties.
He gets de-agented, de-citizened (if he is one!), and all his clothes taken away from him for a week! So he's an ordinary Chobot!
-smirk :-)
May I say, if I win.. 3,000 bugs, I have an S shirt, suffer Aayush (hehe).. Go Smurfy!
a big punishment for aayush he dosnt get a present from cho-santa. hehe
He should be made a mod and tortured by all the people asking him to rain and do magic! and he cant do any!! HAHA!
I will give aayush the punishment of/to getting put in chothrow and have her be tied up and have to take the tomatoes, pillows and snot balls lol:)
he should be turned into a pie or a pet and will have to walk around chobots and say to everyone: i'm a pie!!!!
oops forgot to say for mine i would like s shirt iif i win thx
He should be put on santa's naughty list!
I will give aayush the punishment of/to put in the sweet battle and I will forced him to eat all the sweet foods in there, like hotdogs,popcorn,candystars,gums,sugar and after eating, (he doesnt know that the food is already at its expiration date! :O ) SO aayush's stomach will explode! :D hehe.
~meelzer and thanskie~
anything! if note: if i win da smurf contest, then i will take bugs, but if i dont win, i wnt shirts. :D
boil two eggs and then put them under his armpits and then tickle his feet with a feather :) -Valikoss- S Shirt and please go and follow if you want thnx -Valikoss- i am sorry posting this message in this post if you do not like erase it.
I will give aayush the punishment of putting him in a chair and tickling every single bone in his body until he promises not to miss another party again.
P.S can i have the bugs i already have a S shirt
Aayush should be put in with the nichos for 1 day!
I will give aayush the punishment of being trapped on load at all the amazing parties so he has to watch the rain and magic and miss it all.
S shirt please!
I will give aayush the punishment give aayush the punishment of making him wear a carrot suit for a month or make him dress as a girl.
the mod should take out all his clothes and leave him with girl clothes for one week so he has to wear girl clothes or be naked for one week hehe suffer!!
oh yea 300 bugs please
I think his punishment should be a wip with
smurfets carrot. teehee.
I will give aayush the punishment of/to paint all the tress in chobots in every server once in blue then red then green and all over again.then when he goes to parties he cant get into the server and place.
P.S if i win i want a S shirt.
I will give aayush the punishment of/to eating carrots to explode:))
Make him get a FAKE present full of an invatation to a party and when he walks there we trip him!
I would like an a S shirt plz
I will give ayyush the punishment to dress like a girl for a whole day.
p.s. chobot name pinkytwist4
i will give ayyush punishment to clean up after my pet hoverboy every friday and saturday for 7 weeks
-ninja765 3000 bugs please
i will give attush the punishment of missing the next 5 rain parties
-monkeyboi912 p.s. 3000 bugs please
I will give ayyush teh punishment being locked up watching it rain mod items for everyone in chobots except for him
-monkeyboi912 3000 bugs please and choose eeither one of my entrys
I will give aayush the punishment of having a swirly in a bowl of wet carrots and have smurfet dunk him!
I would give aayush the punishment of being tied to a pole,have pets thrown at him,and watch the christmas party tied to a pole with a blindfold,unable to see the magic and catch the rain.After should be sent to his room without any supper:).
I will give aayush the punishment to be a nicho's servant for two years!! :)
Mwahaha :D
Get turned into a carrot in front of SMURFY!
I would give aayush the punishment of mising every party until next thanksiving
She should not get a chopresent form chosanta!!
And Aayush why are you posting a contest about a punnishmeamt for yourself lol...
I will give aayush the punishment to have no pie for a week!
i give aayush the punishment more eating pie FOREVER MAWHAHAHAH!!! >:) lol
P.S. if i win can i have the bugs
smurfet when will i get my reward for winning a contest on ur blog
i won and s shirt and u just came on and i was there and u didnt give it to me plz can i have it
I would give aayush the punishment of community service for a week as well as no openeing presents on Christmas day.
I don't want an s shirt
His punishment would be to eat pie for every meal on every day of the week 7 days ^_^ how delightful :P lol
and ya i want 3000 coins
He should be band entirely until the christmas party is over
I will give aayush the punishment of licking my feet and doing my laundry the whole day >:D
If iw in i want an S-shirt :)
also for potter909 he forgot my s-shirt from the poetry about smurfet pls tell him and i if i win this contest nvm the s shirt just 3000 bugs :)
If I win I also want a S shirt.
you should throw Aayush into the Chobot Dungeon Of Doom! Then smother carrots onto his face and not give him ANY! Maaaahhahhahahahaaa! After that, you order him to the taste the feet of chobots and eat the toe fungus on it. Finally throw him into the Fungus Cave, where feet smushes his face. YES, SO DIABOLICAL!
- Chrisdogfan1
Aayush should be strapped to his christmas tree so that when santa comes aayush wont be able to open hes presents.... mwahahaha.
woops also i forgot can i have 3000 bugs instead of an S shirt please
Aayush should be punished by replacing chistochob so chistochob can have a break and he should be forced to clean the city with i one brisol tooth brush(HIS TOOTH BRUSH)
he should have to go to all chobots asay sorry,then embarres himsellf doing something silly(put on nerd glasses and say something smart onc hobots stuff like that) chobots name:lilpeng
oh and 3000 bugs going to my friend....iceman246
Aayush has to Pay For His clothes a day 1 Bugs And things will be easy for aayush even rare stuff but it costs alot of money and he must be forced to eat 10 meals A day! And Gets a Message Saying Congratulations! AAyush You are a Moderator Of chobots But he has to pay 1111
Bugs and He has To Be a citizen Lol! and Give 3000 bugs i want it ok?
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