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    Monday, December 21, 2009
    im Chaayush since aayush has ran away by your punishments!
    -chaayush is wearing a mysterious robe and sounds like aayush-

    so here is what you have to do folks!

    You like smurfet?well i do too!
    you got clothes in your wardrobe?well i do too!

    so why not see the biggest smurfet fan outfit!
    You have to dress like a smurfet fan(not smurfet!)but a fan of smurfet

    also there will be a non citizen winner and a citizen winner
    winner gets:S shirt or 3000 bugs his choice((muyst write the prize in the same comment as your entry!))



    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    Can I design a Smurfet Fan outfit too??

    Jilli said...

    My entry is at
    My hair got messed up while I was using Smurfet Shampoo!

    Anonymous said...

    link to my outfit

    if i win i would like an s shirt.


    NMacadaan said... go to that and thats my smurfet fan outfit

    Unknown said...

    MY new name is santaclaus466, i used to be slimshady566, so just send the 3000 bugs to santaclaus466 (if i win). go to and type in slimshady566 in the username box and thats what i look like

    Dianamisaki said...

    Hey there!

    heres mine :) im smurfet's number 1 fan ;))

    lols :P



    P.S if i would win ( lol -.-") i just want the S shirt


    Miss I Heartヅ said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Miss I Heartヅ said...

    again its wrong heres the real one

    sry because i typed it wrong lols

    aqua144 said...
    if i win i want 3000 bugs :)

    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    Mine are on

    I designed one and used my chobot clothes =)
    If I win I'd like 3000bugs please.

    iluvcookiezz said...

    here is mine

    P.S. if i win cam i get 3000 bugs =)

    Doreysweetie626 said...

    I would like the Shirt, Please(:

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