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    Wednesday, December 23, 2009

    Are Good Freind Vivien What Ever Happend To Her She Hassnt Been ON IN MONTHS!!!! she added me th first day she was mod but after that day i havent seen her anymore on is she quit or is she fired she still has mod badge
    1.Do you think shes fired you think she QUIT
    3.does she have a cho blog or a blog


    Drake said...

    She told us she quit

    Flyinghawk said...

    I think she quit
    But why would she quit so early right when she just became a mod?

    Anonymous said...

    Vayerman told me that Vivien_milly quited because she has another work on Virtual Worlds on english and german and she had no time to play here so she quited.. :S


    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    maybe shes on a 2 year vacation lol she did say she quit though

    Kaylyn98 said...

    I think she got fired because who would want to quit being a chobot moderater!!!!

    Chrisdogfan1 said...

    I think maybe she quit or maybe she's just too old for, Chobots, or Smurfet is trick everyone of you to believe she hasn't logged on in months lol jk.

    Smurfet said...

    yeah, she quited because of another job.

    Anonymous said...

    Kay vivien didnt got fired she was a great mod

    valikoss said...

    hello everyone i would like to ask you to visit my blog it will be better with Mozila Firefox but if you dont have it visit it with IE so here it is thnx

    Unknown said...

    viven_milly waz my first mod freind, and when she quit, she told my she would so i KNOW she quit

    Unknown said...

    p.s my chobot name is santaclaus466

    zekrom said...

    i tihnk she quit i remember when someone told me that she was going to qit and go to

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