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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
  • "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
  • You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
  • Let your imagination fly,there is no limit.
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    Wednesday, December 16, 2009
    hello guys
    today we have came up with a new scheme to help people develop and improve their blogs

    now every wednesday we will post codings e.t.c help for your blog html

    also every week on each wednesday we will post a roundup report in which all your questions about blogging your blog and stuff will be answered,to ask the questions you can simply comment it

    also put a url of your blog for us to quickly check your blog for any codings or any others errors and advice aswell

    and we will post all questions,reports of blogs we viewed,general advice every wednesday

    note:since wordpress blogs are improved with many basic facilities that blogger doesnt have in the starting months(till april) we will take only blogspot entrys.

    A demo report which you can see every wednesday

    General Advice:
    Meta tags-what are they and how to use(coming next wednesday)

    Questions and answers:
    answers to all the blogging related questions you posted(have to ask them in comments)

    A review of your blog with technical and general advice(must submit its url in comment)

    Good luck
    We look forward to make chobots blogging a stronger community!



    Anonymous said...

    I don't get it? What are you talking about or better yet, what are you even SAYING???

    Anonymous said...

    my blog is
    id like you to tell me how can i create my own template

    valikoss said...

    hello my blog is and i would like to know how to make a really good header and how can i get more followers thnx oh and i have another blog not for news but it is really cool thnx again -Valikoss-

    kiwii said...

    my blog is

    Pinkytwist4 ;) said...

    mine is sorry its long can u tell me how to take snapshots and how to make a good header thx!

    The Enthusiast said...

    is there away to create youre own template? my blog is

    Spalko said...

    Is my blog good?

    Nick said...

    smurfet, i hope i will recive from santa a scarf like the last yahr, and mittens ;D


    Anonymous said...

    My blog is
    Help Me Make It Better, Please


    Anonymous said...

    How Do You Make A Header To Your Blog?

    Seamc said...

    Cool do you like my blog smurfet,You can find it at I have made A cool header where it is raning famouschobots shirts(too bad that wont happen in real LOL)
    Also a fcm drawin wall in the background
    EnJOY iT!!

    Smurfet said...

    Yeah , really good idea. I think i can learn more too :)

    NMacadaan said...

    My blog is and I dont know how to make a header could you teaach me also I think you are making the community stronger I cant believe kids like me are in to the blogs and everything you guys really teach kids alot about computers my dad is a computer expert he even works at my space he desighns alot of stuff on it

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