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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
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    Wednesday, December 30, 2009

    Ok so you got to

    take a pic with your friend like that pic and make it friendly nice koolnes and the best one will win and the #1 winner gets -Sshirt #2 winner gets 3000 bugs #3 winner gets 1500 bugs

    Contests ends Friday thats 2 Days



    Plutonio said...

    Wow im on it! ,thanks betatester1

    Here's the link this picture was taked when zigzag was not yet an agent with deliciouzz:)

    Katarina Nikolic said...

    amm,plz explane to me how to take a pic ad then put it on tinypic

    My Virtual Team said...

    Thanks Plutonio!

    Tyler said...

    heres the link to mine

    Tyler said...

    the account to the picture to friendship matters is 1viper5

    Anonymous said...

    Unknown said...

    This is our pic:)
    Vanessa is a good friend and always help me:))
    This is the link:
    Thnx smurfet for your ontest:)
    I loce contes;)

    smirky w♥ter said...

    Here's mine with domo32 and zandercute! Agent buddies 4 life! My tinypic wont work so sorry.. (you'll see it!) :D Happy 300 smurfet!

    Gmailchatter said...

    Okay so me(gmailchatter) and taylorswift1 did this picture, and well I decided that I have a lot of BFF's so i just added a bunch of people to the border. lol Hope you like it :D
    BTW what we are saying is a poem

    Flyinghawk said...

    Here is the pic Beta :)
    I hope I win!

    Anonymous said...

    wow me and my bff amazingrory9 might to it he rox so much


    Anonymous said...

    this is mine
    ~jazzy567 hope you like it

    Anonymous said...

    ok this is of me peach4424, and yappy ♥ we do everuy thing together share a blog ect. hope u luvvvvv it.

    ♥♥♥ peach4424 ♥♥♥

    Anastasiagabriella said...

    Smurfet im vanessahudgens98 and my friend is tania1998 who take the photo .
    (in comment when she says tania and vanessa)


    warrior7878 said...
    this is a pic of me and topper

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