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Interesting phrases
- "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
- "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
- "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
- "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
- You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
- Let your imagination fly,there is no limit.
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- Winners!
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- Chobots Will Be Back Shortly 12/25=Christmas
- Viven_Milly The Mod
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- He's baaaaaack!
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- aayush is 365!
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- Aayush should be punished!((contest))
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- Wow! Great job guys!
- Robot Teams & Christmas Lights!
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- Is something wrong with this picture?
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- Some girl ruined it
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- im back ;)
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- Betas Got racer suit!!!
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- I'm a citizen :)
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- Are you good at poetry?? :)
- New citizen items!!!
Wow im on it! ,thanks betatester1
Here's the link this picture was taked when zigzag was not yet an agent with deliciouzz:)
amm,plz explane to me how to take a pic ad then put it on tinypic
Thanks Plutonio!
heres the link to mine
the account to the picture to friendship matters is 1viper5
This is our pic:)
Vanessa is a good friend and always help me:))
This is the link:
Thnx smurfet for your ontest:)
I loce contes;)
Here's mine with domo32 and zandercute! Agent buddies 4 life! My tinypic wont work so sorry.. (you'll see it!) :D Happy 300 smurfet!
Okay so me(gmailchatter) and taylorswift1 did this picture, and well I decided that I have a lot of BFF's so i just added a bunch of people to the border. lol Hope you like it :D
BTW what we are saying is a poem
Here is the pic Beta :)
I hope I win!
wow me and my bff amazingrory9 might to it he rox so much
this is mine
~jazzy567 hope you like it
ok this is of me peach4424, and yappy ♥ we do everuy thing together share a blog ect. hope u luvvvvv it.
♥♥♥ peach4424 ♥♥♥
Smurfet im vanessahudgens98 and my friend is tania1998 who take the photo .
(in comment when she says tania and vanessa)
this is a pic of me and topper
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