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    Monday, December 28, 2009
    Lolz no its no mod magic or a edit =p

    and i am now going to tell you how to do this glitch(or you can say a magic combo) i just discovered!

    One shadow left magic
    Spymode magic
    Tiny magic
    Drunk magic
    Fade magic

    so first take the one shadow left magic and the spymode magic,tada!your invisible!

    Optional stuff u can add:
    Tiny magic:after u take the spymode magic and the one shadow left magic a light part of the shadow is still visible hardly visible but still visible to those who look carefully,so tiny magic reduces the size of it making it just a small faded dot.
    Drunk magic:if someone hover over you they see ur name for only 1 second each 10 seconds,and if they have show chobot names on then ur name doesnt appearat all in the box
    Fade magic:if u had usd the tiny magic a little faded dot is still left which you can fade with the fade magic which makes you completely invisible!,it also fades the show chobot names box as shown in the image.

    Best result:
    One shadow left+Spy mode+tiny magic+drunk magic+fade magic=complete invisible!

    Special thanks to:Kittysnow and Gmailchatter for helping with the experiments.

    Note:i had posted it around january or february time but since nobody remember it i am reposting it

    have fun and have a nice ghosty day xD


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