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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
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    Sunday, December 13, 2009
    hey guys today's contest is a question contest you have to answer a question of mine!

    q:how long was the first ever competition on chobots?(it was sweet battle and video had won it)

    so comment away your answers winner get 1000 bugs

    sadly you have only 1 guess in this so guess carefully!


    aqua144 said...

    11 days

    Anonymous said...

    11th March 2009 to 23 March 2009 which is 13 days.

    Cheesie said...

    erm went for ten days on the 13 of march till the 23rd of march


    Anonymous said...

    im guessing 7 days


    Anonymous said...

    BEGAN ON MARCH 12 2009
    FINISHED MARCH 23 2009
    SO 10 DAYS-1 AND A 1/2 WEEKS


    The Enthusiast said...

    im guessing 8 days

    Nick said...

    2 weeks!


    smirky w♥ter said...

    It was 11 days XD Great Garbage Battle Smurfy, I was there :D

    Anonymous said...

    I think i remembered it was 8 days :D

    Electra Maven said...

    Hi, How are you? I came across your Blog and I really enjoyed reading it! I found it very interesting! I'm a new blogger so I'd like to invite you to have a look at my blog and feel welcome to give me any kind of feedback and comments on my posts! :) I would really appreciate it! I wish you all the best and thanks for offering such valuable information!Kind Regards ;)

    ps: love the games

    aayush said...

    nice try electra but i dont think spam comments are aloud on this blog ;) ps:nice try you almost achieved pagerank but sadly this blog is nofollow xD

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