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Dear blog readers! If u have interesting information to post or beautiful pictures, nice videos or may be original ideas about the future parties-contests, u can send all this to my e-mail:, so i can make this blog more interesting to you.
Interesting phrases
  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
  • "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
  • You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
  • Let your imagination fly,there is no limit.
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    • You should all be aware that if anyone offers to make you a Citizen/Agent/Mod and all they need is your password - It ISN'T going to happen, what will happen if you give it to them is this, They will take control of your Chobot, change the pass, sell your clothes, delete your friends and spend all your bugs!! These are Scammers and we don't want them in our Chobot world, if someone offers to do this for you, Report them and add them to your ignore list!!
    • Another way they may try to fool you is by FAKE email addresses or Skype accounts, don't be fooled, Chobots has a Skype account which is there to help with any problems you may have and only that, The name of it it is Chobots, it is based in Ukraine and is the ONLY Official Chobots Skype. I would suggest that you don't try to find any Mods personal Skype accounts as there are a lot out there that are using our names which are not us. If a Mod wants you to have their Skype name, they would have posted it or gave it to you personally.

    • The only email for Chobots support is Some Mods do allow you to email them for competitions or such and if they do then they post their email addresses on their blogs. You can find a list of Mods blogs at the side of Official Chobots Blog. ( 
    • Lastly, "sharing" accounts is not allowed, to share an account you will have had to give out your password and this is against the rules, DO NOT allow others to go on your account just to buy you Citizenship either, you could be scammed and someone elses parents should not be paying for you to be a Citizen.
    • Please do not ask for or mention your personal information, such as real name, phone number, and home adress. You can say, for instance, "I live in New York," but you may not say which street, city, etc.
    • Teasing other chobot users using words or actions is not allowed.
    • Any conversation involving innapropriate or violent content is not permitted.
    • Bear in mind that you are a little chobot. Therefore, any other expressions or behavior that are innapropriate for children or other chobot users is against the rules.
    Be safe in Chobots!
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