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Friday, December 18, 2009
Today's contest is a little tricks :D
you have to say 20 things about Christmas in your own words
like i want this for Christmas,i wanna do this on Christmas , expect this on Christmas ,i am getting this on Christmas e.t.c
Note:the points don't really have to be true or whatever but have to be funny since its a contest where the most funny points win!So try your best to be the most funny you can!
Ex:-prays-Chosanta please give me a chohippopotamus for christmas
Note:the points have to be chobots related if any of your points are reallife then you will be disqualified
Prize:S shirt and if you already have it then 3000 bugs,You have to say your prize in the SAME comment you write your answers or your entry will be disqualified
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-walks to chosanta- Please make me a level 100 robot and give me an orange racer suit!! If I win I want a S Shirt.
1.I wish this christmas I will become a citizen
2.I hope cho santa will be at the park and give me a chobunny!!!!
3.I hope I will recieve a prize to be a mod!
4.Maybe there will be free christmas pudding that the mods left on chobots.
5.cho santa will invite me to his home will rain monkeys and cho bunnies!=)
7.There will be a christmas party where every chobot will be invited to.
8.This christmas I am getting a 100 choboards
9.I wanna have a chobunny race with other chobots and their chobunnies!!
10.I will recieve a paintbrush and a j2k shirt
11.I will save chobots from evil nichos and get lots of rewards from all the mods
12.It will rain skirts and tutus and wigs
13.I hope I can magically make a giant christmas tree and put it in the centre of the park robot will go up to level 1000000!!
15.I will become friends with hiki and smurfet!! hehehe!
16.My pet will learn to fly!!!!
17.I will learn to fly!
18.I will get the butterfly wings and the suit
19.I will turn 300!!!
20.I'm gonna have fun at christmas
I want the S shirt thanks!!
1) I'd like everyone to be a christmas pudding so we'd never be hungry.
2) I'd like to take ChoSanta to a ChoGym to help him lose weight so he can regain it next year.
3) I'd love ChoSanta to give me a reindeer so I can visit him in the North Pole whenever I wanted.
4) I want everyone to be a candycane except me so I can eat you all up.
5) I'd like to have magical powers so I'd never have to visit the Magic Shop ever again.
6) I'd like a statue of me in cafe street so I'd be on Chobots forever. =)
7) I'd like to be made the Mod of all Mods. =D THE ULTIMATE MOD
8) I want ChoSanta to fly across my screen and throw me his hat to keep.
9) I would like to be made a chess piece whenever I said 'IT'S CHESS TIME', so I could run and jump over all the over players pieces then I would win.
10) I'd like to be made into an elf and create my own ChoClothes for the Shop. =)
11) I'd like everyone to be happy and smile for my blog so I'd have the happiest chobot picture ever =D
12) This Christmas I'd like to be the butterfly wings to be 1000 bugs so I could buy every colour of the rainbow!
13) I'd like to have a huge ChoSnowballFight in ChoHistory.
14) I'd like to be able to roll snowballs to make a big SnowCho.
15) I would like everyone to see me flying on ChoSanta's sleigh.
16) I'd like there to be a switch-a-roo day when citizens became agents. Juniors became Moderators. Agents became Citizens and Moderators became Juniors. So they'd know what it feels like to be another person.
17) I'd like my ChoHouse to be a snow globe so I can shake myself about =) and have snow in my ChoHouse =)
18) I'd like to ride a polar bear that ChoSanta has brought on his sleigh.
19) I would like my Christmas on Chobots to have a room full of candycanes, snow, gum drops, gingerbread men, chocolate and other christmas food, so it's always Christmas there and delious. =P
20) I'd like to be the Christmas Star in the ChoNativity, so I can light up the Chobot World =)
If I win I would like the bugs please. ~Starlet17~
I would like to have a free moofin givaway to all the chobots so no one is left out :)
bugs please
1. Gahh. Be Christmas already!!
2. I want moofins for christmas! or pie...
3. I want citizenship this christmas cuz mines gonna run out.
4.Chosanta come visit already...
5.I think im gonna go waste my bugs for some clothes this christmas!!
6. I wanna sing christmas carols with my cho buddies :D
7. Im gonna go partying in the park!! woo!
8. I wanna help Chosanta with gifts... lol...
9. I expect at least 1,000 chobots to say merry christmas to moi... xD
10. I change my mind about wanting moofins or pie for xmas... GIMME CHEEEEZ!!! :D
11. I hope the chobots team is gonna bring back all the old stuff for xmas! Holiday spirit!!:D
12. I would like gift and trade back... so I can give presents to my friends on christmas!! :D
13. I hope the nichos are in the holiday spirit!! wait... they never are... O_o
14. OOOHHH jingle pie... I mean bells... Jingle bells, jingle alll the way!! :D
15. Chosanta, I would also like the ChoWaffle maker and some ChoHeels please. Ok thanks.
16. I wish I had a j2k shirt chosanta :)
17. I wish you a merry christmas smurfy! And all of you at Smurfets blog!
18. Meerrryyy Christmas friends! :D
19. I look forward to having THE BIGGEST PARTY EVER on christmas day!!
20. Chosanta, I change my mind. I dont want cheeeez. I want Waffles. Okay thanks :)
If I win I would like the bugs please :)
(speaking to santa in TINYWINY VOICE like chipmunks)-pouting to santa- Iam chospecting chis chos'tmas was cho have a new chomeat, bcuz I asked u lastyear and you gave me a chomeet, u thought I will meet u, chosanta.... :>
~meelzer and Thanskie~
for cho christmas i want cho santa to give me some cookies and pie LOTS of pie =) lol
if i win i would like bugs
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