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Dear blog readers! If u have interesting information to post or beautiful pictures, nice videos or may be original ideas about the future parties-contests, u can send all this to my e-mail:, so i can make this blog more interesting to you.
Interesting phrases
  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
  • "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
  • You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
  • Let your imagination fly,there is no limit.
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    Wednesday, January 27, 2010
    ok guys i will start doin partys for people with mod rain items like baloons so if your turning to any age like 100 for example ill come and do rain for you ;) as a way to have a special day for you and ill do it forr spcial events that you want


    Email Me if you want a reservation for a partys or events

    My email -

    Thanks Guys and put the magic you want me to use in the email
    blue,red,yellow,or star


    Asdkk said...

    well i got a Question and i was wondering how did ppl get those carrot back packs for free i wanna be a bunny and i need 1 how? I cant buy them to so umm :( how? :( plz send thsi to smurfet. your friend and always will be ,

    asdkk :)

    Shockzi said...

    in 8 days ill b 100 can u come

    mhachs blog said...

    hey smrufet its me mhach =)

    Kaylyn98 said...

    I can't email you so please come on now I need all different rain come to chocolate Cafet street thanks bye

    mhachs blog said...

    hi smrufet i just saw u were on chobotscheats its 8:38pm 1/30/10 plz reply bye ~mhach~ if u see this plz come on ill b on till 10:00 pm bye

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