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    Sunday, January 3, 2010
    Hey Guys,
    I have a new guess the location contest for you. I will be making 2 sets of pictures so I can choose 1 winner from each set. So comment your answers and dont forget to say if its for set 1 or set 2.
    Set 1
    Set 2

    Winners will recieve bugs and S Shirts! Good luck :)


    Zap said...

    i will try set 1
    -first one at park.under the bugs button
    -second one at gamezone from the choboard game
    -last one is the leg of the chobot at the garbage collector game
    im not sure but hope I can win

    Phineas Chobot said...

    I'll try set 2

    1:One of the arrows in the gamezone pointing to a game.
    2:The bottom of the tree at the upper left hand corner of the Academy.
    3:At Mission street,tere is a blue reflective thing of the floor.The picture shows the upper part of it.

    mctothemax said...
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    mctothemax said...

    set 1.
    the first pic is of the christmas tree at the park
    2.the second is the choboard screen at the gamezone
    3.the third isthe hand of the chobot picture on the floor at garbage collector


    Chrisdogfan1 said...

    I'll try set 2
    1. an arrow pointing to a chobot game in the gamezone.
    2. at the academy in the left corner under the palm tree.
    3. at the academy street on the floor theres a blue triangle and there's part green next to it.

    Topper74 said...

    im doing set 2 1. is the arrow at gamezone
    2. is the tree at academy street.
    3. is the blue and green next to the arrow pointing at the cafe street

    Katarina Nikolic said...

    Im doing set1.
    1.first is one part of the Christmas tree in park,
    2.second is one part of game"Choboard"
    3.third is one is the leg of blue chobot that is on the ground at Garbage Collector

    Anonymous said...

    Set 1
    1.The christmas tree located in the park
    2.The tunnel in the game Cho board which is at the gamezone
    3.The leg of the blue chobot painted on the floor of garbage collector

    Anonymous said...

    ill try set 2 aswell
    Set 2
    1.The arrow pointing to the games at the gamezone
    2.The bottom left of the palm tree nearest to the arrow pointing to rope street
    3.Part of the big glass arrow in Mission street

    Cookie000 said...

    1 in the park of the tree and the other one is the choboerd and other is part of the the leg of the blue chobot painted on floor of garbage collector and the 2 part is the 1 one is part of the makeyouownhouse shop and secondd it half of the shop and the other one it half floor of mission agency
    hope i win by cookie000 i no i got this all right

    Cookie000 said...

    opps i mean of the 2 its the arrow of the gamezone

    Anonymous said...

    hi this is electivire428
    im doing set 1 the park under the money button

    2. in the choboard game at the gamezone

    3.i think its the foot of the chobot just under the garbage collector game

    Thanskie said...

    Set 1:
    1. Is the tree under the money button on the upper top let corner of the screen.

    2. It is from the game of choboard on the gamezone.

    3. Is the right leg of the blue chobot at the garbage collector .


    nikita911 said...

    1:tree in the park nearly beside the underground thing
    2:it is in the cho board game
    3:it is in the garbege collector streeet that purple chobot i think is his leg boy part

    1:that is in a game zone pionting arrow to a game
    2:the tree is in academy
    3:at mission agency the blue part

    salmon219 said...

    1. the park at the top tree
    2. chobored game
    3. space quey
    set 2
    4. a arrow pointing to one of the games at the gamezone
    5. the second tree at the top left at accadamy
    6. the see threw glass at the mission agentcy

    Topper74 said...

    oh and if i win i just want smurfet to add me :)

    Anonymous said...

    im gonna try set 2 gamezone games academy mission agency


    mtv said...

    1st Set
    1. under the tree at the park next to the bugs.
    2. In the game Choboard at the Gamezone.
    3. Leg of a blue chobot leaping at the Garbage Collecters.

    2nd Set
    1. an arrow pointing to the games at the Gamezone.
    2. Bottom of a tree at Academy Street.
    3. At Mission Street the reflecting blue thing on the floor.

    I hope i win

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