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    Sunday, January 3, 2010
    Hey guys
    Long time no contest eh?
    I was working on my new(or you can say re-started) blog
    And i just now got Photoshop cs4 too xD so i was trying to understand the new things in it

    Anyways i will now continue the daily contests which i recently skipped :S

    soo today's contest is for you to tell me the difference between this picture and the real place in chobotsPs:This time i made like 30 changes in the picture and i can hardly spot them myself after editing it so the person with the most guesses will be the winner.
    Oh and there will be 3 winners prizes will be s shirt + 3000 bugs,s shirt+2000 bugs,s shirt+1000 bugs



    iluvcookiezz said...

    snow ball is gone,one of blue trees are gone,buttons on snowman are gone,the two evergreen trees are shorter and so is the snowman xD,behind the entrace to the underground the purple pipe,there's no snow in the tree thats really close to the balls,the purple mats are all dark not swirly,the tree in the left down corrner doesn't have a halo on the top,the 03. 10 10 one of the tens are a little gone,santa's right hand is white,u and ur footprint thing is there xD lol thats all i can find =)

    iluvcookiezz said...

    and the left arrow is gone xD

    warrior7878 said...

    1. there is a missing circle on the tree next to r4
    2. there is a blur where cho throw is
    3. the pads for sweet battle are purple without circles
    4. part of the tree is missing next to santa
    5.part of the time is erased
    6. the tube close to the underground entrance was enlarged
    7.the chat bar on the side is a little erased and blured
    8.there is buttons missing from the snow man
    9 there is suppose to be a fe circles on the circle next to the screen in the agent hq u can see
    10.there is a blue button missing fromt he hq
    11. there is suppose to be snow on the tree that is closet to the under ground
    12.santa isnt holding a bell
    13.the white ball is missing
    14.there is the send chat thing the lever on the chat bar missing
    15.there is a blur on the tree closest to u
    16.there is an arow missing when u go to the location eco
    17.there is suppose to be snow on the pipe when entering the under ground
    18 there is a blur close to the tree by the entrance of the cafe street
    19. the tip of the star on the tree is missing

    Asdkk said...

    aw i type all 28 then my lap top shut down when i was about to post un fair XD

    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    1. White ball is not there
    2. Tree in the top right is missing it's leaves
    3. Date is wrong it’s 3/01/10
    4. Pipe to agents underground is not covered in snow
    5. No snow on the tree on top left with target circle has no snow on the bottom
    6. Arrow to Location Eco is missing.
    7. Cho Santa doesn’t have his bell
    8. The sweet battle transporters don’t have their white circles on them.
    9. The leaver for chat is gone
    10. Bottom tree on the left doesn’t have it’s target circle
    11. Snowman has no buttons
    12. Under the ten there is supposed to be a transporter circle for the agents hq
    13. Agents hq screen is missing the blue button
    14. There are no yellow light at the bottom of the Christmas tree.
    15. Yellow light on the tree is missing at the top
    16. The shadow for aayush is wrong shape it’s supposed to be a circle
    17. The tunnels door doesn’t have the purple circle on it.
    18. Snowman doesn’t have a head
    19. Agent Bar is missing
    20. Rest of help button is missing
    21. Bugs bar is missing
    22. Academy button is missing
    23. menu button is missing
    24. dark green section for agent hq is not an even curve.
    25. No blue light at the bottom of the Christmas tree
    26. The 2 green trees at the top are shorter
    27. Santa’s right hand is white
    28. Santa’s right foot is not next to his left. Been made to look like it’s behind
    29. You are there and your footrint
    30. There’s a smudge near the star.


    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    30) the bottom right of the star is missing the rounded point

    Anonymous said...

    1. You changed 3.01.10 to 3.10.10

    2. The bottom rounded point of the star is


    4. The yellow or the pink light is missing at the top (whichever one)

    5. The agent teleport button is gone

    6. Theres no snow on purple tube coming out of the entry to the agent underground

    7. Santa's right foot is up as if hes walking

    8. You got rid of the white paint ball the turns it to a blue tree WITH snow

    9. The ''Enter chat'' lever is gone

    11. Santa's bell is missing

    12. The bottom left tree's ring thing is missing

    13. The middle left trees snow on the plant holder is gone

    14. Santa's right glove is white

    15. The top light green section of the agent HQ isn't curved

    16. Ok um the picture cuts off and gets rid of too much stuff, so I will name it all here: The snow mans head, the academy and menu button, the rest of the help button, bugs button, junior/citizen/agent button, and most of that big snow mound (I didn't know if you meant to cut it off as to see if people said those so I put it in 1 big number)

    17. The arrow on the left is gone

    18. Your in the picture

    19. The white rings in the middle of the purple ones in front of the Christmas tree are gone

    20. snowman has no buttons

    19. The tree in the top very right is missing its leaves

    21. Agent HQ TV is missing the blue button

    I hope I didnt miss any! Username on chobots is locomonkey77

    Goku said...

    the tree in the bottom left corner,
    the arrow leading to the eco system,
    Santa is missing his bell,
    the tree in the top right isnt showing,
    pipe to underground isnt covered in snow,
    and thats just about it.

    Anonymous said... button from agent tv gone
    2.purple wire from agent wall exit smudged
    3.snowmans buttons r gone
    4.tree gone in top roght corner
    5.halo gone from tree in bottom left corner
    6.the 1st ten in the time is smudged
    7.santas bells r missing paint ball is gone
    9.bottom of the top left tree is smudged
    10.12 is gone from the clock
    11.santas hat is missing the white ball
    12.part of the chothrow platform is smudged
    13.1 of the teleporters r gone from the star
    thats prtty much it,


    Chrisdogfan1 said...

    1. At the left corner you see there's no triangle with the yellow ring.
    2. Santa isn't the holding the bells.
    3. At the left middle palm tree there's suppose to be snow on it but there is no snow.
    4. The rings underneath the Christmas tree is missing the white ring on the circles.
    5. If you look closely there's suppose to be a red, blue and yellow dots next to the first purple ring, but it's missing the blue dot.
    6. On the #10 next to the opening of the underground there's no blue rings around it, instead there's a foot.
    7. Next to the left middle palm tree there's suppose to be a light blue ball but there is no.
    8. On the chat bar it's missing the green send bar.
    9. Santa doesn't have the buttons on his jacket.
    10. At the top it's missing the money, the status, messages, menu, and part of the snowman's head.
    11.At the right top corner on top of the ? button the snow is slightly shorter.
    12.At the right next to the #3 the snow between the palm trees are missing.
    13. The purple dot on the underground opening is missing.
    14.On top of the Christmas tree the lights aren't glowing.
    15. Santa's wearing a glove.
    16. The tree on the right corner is missing leaves.
    17. The pipe to the underground is missing the snow on it.
    18. The clock on the tree is different from the clock on the floor.
    19. There's a smudge in the middle of the star on top of the Christmas tree.
    20. The button for the agents is not there.
    21. At the right bottom leg of the tree is missing.
    22. You are there.
    23. Santa's foot is to the left, when his foot should actually the right.

    kiwii said...

    1.missing snowball.
    2.snowman is missing some buttons.
    3.a blue tree is missing next to santa.
    4.theres no snow on the purple pipe on the underground entrance.
    5.the bottom left corner tree doesnt have a halo on it.
    6.half of the zero is missing on the time.
    7.the arrows missing to go to location eco.
    8.theres a smudge on the tree.
    9.the trees on top and the snowman are shorter.

    Anonymous said...

    Ok, here is all i got!
    1.Sweet battle game rings are gone
    2.The snowman buttons are gone
    3.The rings under number 10 is gone
    4.The door to the under ground is missing snow on the *wire*
    5.The santa is missing the bell in his hand.
    6.On the tree (down left corner) is missing a ring
    7.There is missing a white snowball next to the tree.
    8.There is missing little snow on one of the trees to the left
    9.In the Agent HQ there is missing a blue button under the TV
    10.Under the question mark there is a tree missing
    11.The arrow is missing when you heading to the eco system
    12.You have changed the place on number 1 and 0
    13.If it counts you are missing
    14.When you send a messege the thing you click on is missing
    15.The door to the underground is missing its purple dot
    16.The santas hat is missing its white ball
    17.If it counts your arrow (foot) is missing
    18.The picture you took is a bit smaller so things have been cut in half
    19.Academy button is missing
    20.Menu button is missing
    21.Bugs thing is missing
    22.Junior, citizen, agent thing is missing
    23.Snowmans eyes is missing
    24.Snowmans broom is missing
    25.The dark blue line that is on the clock, near the star on the tree its not straight
    26.The santas bells shadow is missing.

    Thats all i could find.


    footsoilder said...

    1. White ball is not there
    2. Tree in the top right is missing it's leaves
    3. Date is wrong it’s 3/01/10
    4. Pipe to agents underground is not covered in snow
    5. No snow on the tree on top left with target circle has no snow on the bottom
    6. Arrow to Location Eco is missing.
    7. Cho Santa doesn’t have his bell
    8. The sweet battle transporters don’t have their white circles on them.
    9. The leaver for chat is gone
    10. Bottom tree on the left doesn’t have it’s target circle
    11. Snowman has no buttons
    12. Under the ten there is supposed to be a transporter circle for the agents hq
    13. Agents hq screen is missing the blue button
    14. There are no yellow light at the bottom of the Christmas tree.
    15. Yellow light on the tree is missing at the top
    16. The shadow for aayush is wrong shape it’s supposed to be a circle
    17. The tunnels door doesn’t have the purple circle on it.
    18. Snowman doesn’t have a head
    19. Agent Bar is missing
    20. Rest of help button is missing
    21. Bugs bar is missing
    22. Academy button is missing
    23. menu button is missing
    24. dark green section for agent hq is not an even curve.
    25. No blue light at the bottom of the Christmas tree
    26. The 2 green trees at the top are shorter
    27. Santa’s right hand is white
    28. Santa’s right foot is not next to his left. Been made to look like it’s behind
    29. You are there and your footrint
    30. There’s a smudge near the star.
    31.the halo from bottom left tree is missing
    32.the four piles of snow up top middle are missing
    33.pile of snow near robots arena entry is missing
    34.there is a blur close to the tree by the entrance of the cafe street
    35.entry to underground is missing the purple dot in the middle
    36.there is a blur close to the tree by the entrance of the cafe street
    37.the clock on the tree is different than the clock on the floor are in picture and not online
    39.on top of christmas tree lights arnt glowing
    40.all three places are full but no one is on them
    from footsoilder on chobots

    King Kevin said...

    1. no snowball smurfet 3.santas hat is missing 4. ant the bottem of the right corner there is no snow 5. there are no snow on the trees 6.12 is missing behind the tree 7.there is no arrow on the left side corner 8.the snow mans eyes 9.sweet battle buttns look like there is someone on it but not is missing 11.santas bell is missing butten is missing higher rank thing money thing butten is missing 16. one of the yellow circles are missing on left tree 17 and thats all i found

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