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    Wednesday, January 6, 2010
    Hello Chobots,
    Your artwork is totally amazing! I had a very hard time choosing! Ok so here are the 2 winners of the paintbrushes
    1. iluvcookiezz
    She drew an awesome art of Zandercute!
    2. jazzy567
    Another awesome masterpiece of Gmailchatter
    Amazing drawing of Canab
    Congrats to the winners!


    iluvcookiezz said...

    THX!!! lol and congratz jazzy

    Yellowhouse said...

    Lol Congratz guyz ;)
    Amazing hard work!


    DIALGAPALKIA said...

    If I had took part I'd have drew one of these:
    Alighf (I think thats how its spelt)
    (All of those are the agents on my friend list) (There might be more agents on my friend list but I'm not sure)
    From Coolluxray1

    Anonymous said...

    thanks potter! and congratz to you iluvcookies!ur art work was amazing

    Anonymous said...

    potter? i still haven't got my paintbrush yet

    iluvcookiezz said...

    it might come later cause i didn't get mine yet etheir lol =)

    Sakura said...

    Congratz guys hope you have fun with youre brushes :]

    iluvcookiezz said...

    i got it lol xD

    mctothemax said...

    potter its just u stilll havent told us the winners of the guess the location post:(

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