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Interesting phrases
  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
  • "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
  • You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
  • Let your imagination fly,there is no limit.
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    Saturday, January 30, 2010
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted for a while, I have the flu :(
    Anyways, there are some new items:
    A spaceship, in the money catalog :)) Cool, huh?

    Then there is a really cute sunflower for citizens ;)

    And thats not all! Jessie gave us a sneak peek of a new item coming soon on her blog ;) Check it out:

    One more thing :)) Deli (deliciouzz) got her own shirt, designed by fairy_x!! Take a look:

    Ooh, I want one :D
    Enjoy! :)



    Weme124 said...

    I like the wind up sheild and deil i hope u get that shirt lol

    fuffley said...

    I luv all xD And does Deli actually have that shirt?

    Asdkk said...

    wow i love it i was wondering can i have 1? im asdkk i would do any thing and does this mean support will make maybe me a shirt?

    Anonymous said...

    I Hope You Get Better and Get One Of The Shirts! :)) -Baku

    Kaylyn98 said...

    So cool
    Makes chobots happy
    U rock Smurfet!
    Rains alot at parties
    Full of good thougts at all times
    Everyday is fun 'cuz of u Smurfy
    To cool to explain any further

    I hope u like my poem It spells Smurfet please read it and comment thanks

    Tyler said...

    how the heck do i get my own shirt!!!!! deli's shirt is so awesome!!

    P.S pleeeaaassseee tell me how i could get my own shirt!

    P.P.S can I have a deli shirt? i'm 1viper5 in chobots

    Tovictory said...


    The other is so so cute!

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