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    Monday, January 4, 2010
    Hello Chobots,
    Many of you have been asking me for a drawing here it is! Your job is to draw any agent of your choice! I will choose 1 citizen winner and one non-citizen winner. You can use paint to draw the agent. Please comment your pics after uploading them( and dont forget to write the name of the agent you drew. Winners get the paintbrush!
    Good Luck


    footsoilder said...

    yo the spot the difference contest i won first place as footsoilder but u spelled my name as footsoldier does this mean i wont get prize

    footsoilder said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    nikita911 said...

    can u enter more than twice

    Wowo said...

    foot u din't amke the pic only i iwll give u mine soon

    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    Mine is on
    I did Yellowhouse and Gypman142 =)


    Yellowhouse said...

    My entry :)


    Katarina Nikolic said...

    here you go:

    I draw littlebigplanet

    Anonymous said...

    In yesterdays contest dont you mean Park?


    Jpenguin5858 said...

    there's mine!

    Domidor said...

    My favorite agent is william :)


    Haunted said...

    are we aloud draw pics at home on paper im way better :O way better...

    Katarina Nikolic said...

    im way better at drawing on paper 2,and you can draw on paper,but you have to tape it whit camera,and then you have to put on comp,then,...

    I dont know how to do all those stuff so i always draw in paint.:))

    Haunted said...

    aww :,(

    Haunted said...

    i hope this is good i tryed hardd :) this is beepopadoop my fav agent she always talks to me :) thnx beep


    Anonymous said...

    when are you going to announce the winners of the "draw smurfet with a carrot contest"?

    Anonymous said...

    I drew mousyblack this is the link to it

    thanks-i really like the paintbrush

    warrior7878 said...

    i hope u like it i am a non citizen agent also i do not have a paint brush this is y i am trying to win

    iluvcookiezz said...

    i drew zandercute

    i'm a non citizen hope u like it

    kate said...

    here is mine i think here is a agent or a mod i do not no sorry if it is a mindeter if the link does not work go to it is there to.

    Flyinghawk said...

    I hope I win!
    I drew Sightens :)

    Flyinghawk said...

    Hey Smurfet!
    Ok my other picture wasn't so good so here is another pic that is better :)
    I hope you like it! x)

    smirky w♥ter said...

    hey potter, smurf, and all the rest of the team. Just letting you know the winner of the friendship contest hasn't been announced and it was due 3 or 4 days ago. Thanks, smirk.

    Sharingan44 said...

    My drawing of sparky2k9 because he rocks like you smurfet!!!!


    Alexa said...

    This is mine :)

    I drew Yellowhouse, she rocks~! :D

    Sakura said...

    Here is my entry :

    I Drew Doll Coz She is a very nice agent...
    Hope You Like It!

    Yellowhouse said...

    I saw all your guyz' arts :D
    They're amazing
    Keep up the gud work


    Wowo said...

    well hope u like it plz i want the [aint brush plz i want to win well how many prizes will be there like 1 st 2 nd 3rd so

    heres mine entry hope u like it

    footsoilder said...

    hey ya im footsoilder just copy the name from here and heres mine

    Katarina Nikolic said...

    here you go,I draw cherryb,and I am none citizen:))
    P.C. this is my second drawing:))

    Haunted said...

    this ma second entry took me a while doin potters great hair ;)


    kiwii said...

    I drew smurfet:


    Anonymous said...

    this is another 1 i made-its gmail chatter -my best friend on chobots ~jazzy567

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