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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
sorry for keeping you all waiting for contests for sooo long :(
but o well i gonna restart and make daily contests now i promise :D
So as for today's contest you have to tell me about the 10 places you like most about chobots and WHY?
Best answers get S shirt and 3000 bugs so tell me about the 10 best places you like about chobots and WHY?
but o well i gonna restart and make daily contests now i promise :D
So as for today's contest you have to tell me about the 10 places you like most about chobots and WHY?
Best answers get S shirt and 3000 bugs so tell me about the 10 best places you like about chobots and WHY?
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1)i like cafe street because there is always people there and you can start partys really easily
2)robots arena you get to battle your friends andget items if your good enough
3)mission agency because you can go play cow mission and get bugs
4)rope street i like rope street because there is three really easy games that can get you bugs rope pull the tree game and sweet battle
5)the park because if there is a person like santa or chopix its pretty coool there anytinme because u can play sweet battle
6) garbadge collector i like it here because of the sweet game that i really like because i always play on my own and get a 100 bugs
7)i like the shop because there is always plenty to buy citezan or non citezan
8)i like academy street there is always plenty of people to have a good game of sliders with
9)i like the undergrounds to admire peoples amazing art i spend a fair bit of time there admiring art thats been drawn by amazing artists
10)the make your own house shop i think is so cool as they have a colour shower and loads f stuff you can buy with bugs i use the clolour shower very often
hope i stand a chance of winning
hey aayush ele here i just want to tell you that you forgot to post the winner of the video contest
1)Shop:you can change your style with so many combinations and impress others
2)magic shop:you can buy all sorts of magic even non citizens and you can buy mod magic suits.
3)pet shop:you can make any kind of pet you want and you can buy funny masks you can play with your pet and love it.
4)Mission Agency:You can make friends and money just by having the time of your life with friends.
5)robots arena:Making your own team customizing your own robot and battling with it and upgrading it.
6)park:Lots of games and every weekend chopix comes and we find nicho agents also theres all ways a cool clock.
7)Rope street:tug of war with four to three players and sometimes theres mod partys there to.
8)cafe street:most partys are here and its so nice at christmas you can dance and show your moves.
9)underground:paint whatever you want show you inner artist and who knows your art might be in chobots blog.
10)home:do whatever you want and whenever design it relax in it either one you have fun.
chobots name:screenhop
plz pick me i never won any contest in my life
1.i love the robots arena because its a cool places where u can have loads of fun with your friends meet more friends and battle with your robots i love buying all the new items to make my chobots look cool and if i can i hang out there is well
3.i love the gamezone because i can play some really fun games! and meet friends
4.cinema i love seeing people put in all the effort into videos and i love watching them
5.echo shop its a place where u can buy a pet to have and buy masks and items for ur pet!!!even tho i dont have a pet
6.magic shop how could i leave this out i love all the magic i can get and items
7.mission agency love wining cow mission its so cool feeding a cow in space :D love hanging out here and getting a drink with my friend
9.very inportant park love it it has so many themes to it like winterpark and normal i love both love all the games there and the comps that happen!
from footsoilder
1.robots arena:i like the robots arena cuz we battle r robots there,its really fun and lots of ppl make new friends there street:i like cafe street becuz it is 1 of the most popular places on chobots,also many parties take place there
3.park:i like the park cuz lots of r new chobot go there,its decorated for winter and r good friend chopix stays there,we could also play chothrow i like the shop cuz there r many outfits there,we can also look at some1s chobot near the music catolog
5.magic shop:i like the magic shop cuz we can buy mod magic, we could also buy magic for nichos misson and other fun stuff square: i like shop square cuz it has 2 of my fave stores on cbots,also rarly some parties r planned there street:i like academy street cuz we have lots of contest there
8.classroom: i like the classroom cuz we could learn stuff.also choporoff stays there
9.gamezone: i like the gamezone cuz we could play awsome games there like choboard shop.i like the eco shop cuz we could adopt a new friend and buy food for them
1.The game zone because you can play lots of games and earn lots of bugs there
2.Make-your-own-house shop because you can buy furniture and upgrade your house
3.Robot arena because you can vs other chobots and their robots
4.Shop because you can buy clothes and have fashion shows and show them off
5.Magic shop because you can buy magic and see the wizard!
6.The classroom because you can play sliders and chess and also see choproff there
7.Park because you can play cho throw and also see chopix there
8.Rope street because you can play sweet battle and play rope
9.Cafe street because its a really popular place for newbies for chobots to help
10.Home! because you can see your pet there and dress up in your wardrobe
here are 10 most fav. areas in chobots
1. shop-you can buy any clothes you want, dress up your chobot in many styles
2. robots arena-you can battle with the awesome robots
3. park-play sweetbattle or chothrow how fun :D
4. underground-creat amazing masterpieces
5. academy street-play sliders,chess,checkers o.o who wins?, show your skills
6. cafestreet-one of the most busiest places in chobots, would u like some orange juice in cafe?
7. make your own house shop-decorate your houses, just the way u want it to look
8. mission agency-you need bugs? cow mission or nichos kingdom will help u!
9. garbage collector-you can earn bugs also clean some garbages
10. space racing-lets race who is better?
1) I like 'The Park', because its a very nice where you can see the time and meet Chopix,
2) I like 'The Underground', because its a place where you can express you're imagination by drawing cool Art,
3) I like 'The Class' because its a place where you study new things and meet the professor and answer the Q's of his quiz,
4) I like 'The Cafe' because its a place where you can hang out with friends and drink something.
5) I like 'The Magic Shop' because its a place where you can buy cool potions and meet the wizard,
6) I like 'The Shop' because its a place where you can buy clothes that you can equip at the wardrobe and make a combination of you're looks ,
7) I like 'The Robot Arena' because its a place where you battle with you're friend, and create you're own team,
8) I like 'Mission Agency' because its a place where you can play a cool game called Cow mission or Nichos kingdom mission, that you must work together with other Chobots to complete the mission,
9) I like 'The ChollyWood' because its a place where you can watch videos that the cho's made,
10) I like 'The Gamezone' because its a place here you can play games and have fun.
These are the places i like and why,
Good luck other Cho's,
<3 Xhenet
robots arena:I love battling my freinds.Its always fun!Everytime I lose I say, "Lets go again!"
park:I love the park but the winter park even more.Me and my freinds always have parties there and play games!
cafe:Me and my freinds usualy do magic in there.We all sit at the tables and someone spreads magic.The fun part about it is when new chobots come in a join the magic fun!
Academy:Me,my freinds, and some other chobots play school in there! its so fun.(usualy im the teacher lol!)
Chollywood:My freinds videos are usualy on there and there always begging me to watch them!And there always turn out so good and funny!And not to forget that the best video maker,william is on there.
Pets shop:I always make the cutest pets there! And sometimes me and my freinds bring our pets there and have a little pet party.I love the tricks those cute little pets do!
Shop:I go to the shop every day.Theres always cool new clothing there!
Magic shop:The first thing I love at the magic shop is the cool wizard!I love magic,Its my favorite thing on Chobots!Especialy the new mod magic that came out for citizens to use.
make your own house shop:I always use the color shower there.Theres really cool furniture and houses there!And its a really cool place for you and your freinds to hang out at.
Sweet Battle:Everyday me my one freind monder play sweet battle when were both on.Its my favorite game on chobots and your earn money.Your getting payed to have fun!
I like...
1. PARK: bcuz every week, chopix came to take a visit and help us get bugs. Also, I like about park is the chothrow last time it was only fr citizens but now, its for everyone! ^_^ hehe, also there are teleporter pads for lvl.4 to train some of their robots really hard. :D What the best I liek at the park is its view like scenary. The colour is soo calmy to the eyes! :D
2. SHOP: I like really the shop bcuz every 2 weeks or sometimes the shop gots updated! =) so, I like all the items that the mods are designing and they are selling to us chobots the cool and aweosme items! Like Jessie's wings, her flag. and the snowhat! :) and many more.
3. CAFE STREET: In all the chobots, the palce Cafe Street is always the well known and almost all chobots go there more often. Also, I liek cafe street bcuz mods held there parties at the cafe street most often. :D
4. ROPE STREET: I liek rope street bcuz its where u find players to play either sweet battle or tag of war. :) I like it cuz there are almost many trees to throw paint balls w/ it. :) Rope Street is where u hang sonetimes with your friends. :)
5. ACADEMY: in academy I liek... chopajev! hehe. =) also, there are many games out there dat I liek, sliders, chess, and many more! I used to go there when I was bored doing nothign. =]
5. CHOLLYWOOD: oh... my favorite and da fun part! ^^ I liek it bcuz i watch da famous and good vids of the mods. :) l luv them! hehe, specially da end of chobots when 2012. :D woo! =D
6. ROBOTS ARENA: I liek this place. Its where almost all days this place is fully crowded. :I hehe. I used to go there to find new magnificent fridns! I Like I found guguzi, royaltapdancer,rofroze. :D and others! ^^
7. HOME: Oh.. my home! I liek home bcuz its wher I visit my pet. ^^ and use to dress up fr parties, and liek missions, liek chopiz's and garbage collector. :D also, I liek having fun parties at my home hehe.
8. GAMEZONE: oh... the helpinf part!;) I like gamezone cuz when I lose some bugs, I use to play in here. expecially the robofactory! I liek it! and I use to win there. :)
9. CLASSROOM: My favorite to the second is the calssroom. sometimes when I gather chobots, we use to play teachers and students.. hehe. :P ok. I like it cuz I use to do prof. cho mission.
10. MAGIC SHOP: oh. I like it cause I like magic and I like wizard's stuffs out there.. And I usually buy cool non citizen's magic like teleport. :D hihi.
1.robot arena WHY: lol i can play robots with my friends and just chill xD street WHY: lol before i used to be in this place all the time xD i can chat and play tree basketball
3.park WHY: there i can have a ton of fun playing sweet battle or cho throw or robots and i reslly like the winter version WHY: i can have a magic party with friends there and talk to them and have fun
5.rocketmall street WHY: to bad its gone but i liked goin to someones b day party there
6.underground WHY: i can see all of the other cho's pretty work
7.mission agency WHY: i like to do the cow mission and nicho mission (when i was a citizen)
8.cholly wood WHY: lol i love the name on that and i can watch vids there =D
9.magic chop WHY: i can buy soome magic and have fun tryin it WHY: i can get a new cool outfit for my cho
who won plz post winners i really wanna know if i won i really want a smurfet shirt
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