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    Wednesday, January 20, 2010
    Hey Guys,
    I have a new contest for you. You have to write a 10-15 lines of a story. This story should have a title of: When Smurfet saved me!
    Post your stories in a comment!
    Winners will receive an S Shirt and 2000 bugs!
    Goodluck ;)


    Sakura said...

    Smurfet Saved the Chos..
    when they were alone and had no friends,
    he was always there for them to make them smile and have fun,
    when the chos had no fun or excitment,
    smurfet came and made cool partys and rain free clothes for all the Chos,
    Smurfet Saves every Cho if theyre sad or bored, and give them smile in theyre Faces.

    <3 Xhenet

    Anonymous said...

    The Story Smurfet Saved Me... :

    smartdetective: la la la Waaaa The car gonna hit me waah WAAA

    Smurfet: Hiyaa Super Smurfet here to save you :D -push smartdetective-

    Smartdetective: Thx super smurfet : ))

    Sightens: Waaa The PIE gonna SPLAT on me D:
    smurfet: I will help you :D
    Sightens : thx :DD
    Smurfet :np - throw carrot to the PIE


    iluvcookiezz said...

    When smurfet saved me!

    It was a chobots day like every other everyone was chating,inculding me too UNTILL THE NICHOS CAME!Everyone ran screamed and ran away,except for 1 little chobots so scared she couldn't move.Her name was iluvcookiezz.She tryed to stay calm but she had no hope,"there's 20 of them and only 1 of me" she thought.She squeled and closed her eyes shut trying not to think about what will happen next.She waited and waited but still nothing happened.She saw a masked hero in carrot pamjamis.He had distraked the nichos and gave her the go sign.But she wold not go when a friend's in troble,no she was braver unlike the others.She got 2 nicho zappers and gave 1 to him they had defeated the nichos even though there was ore of them.Before the hero left she asked for his name but he only said "smurfy is the nickname".
    lol srry its over 15 lines

    When Smurfet Saved Me

    Chobots had opened a bank since they needed to add something new.Everyone was there like a zoo.It was my turn to go up there.But I still had regrets of ever going there.I put my money there and was about to leave when someone shouted "STOP,FREEZE".A burglar was in the bank how I kno my instinct would never lie but I shouted "HEY U BIG BULLY!". The chobot giggled its way over to me and pushed me over the door and got of the bank "I think the nichos will like this instead"But before he got there a hero like no other was in the way "NO U WON'T GET AWAY!" he shouted and used a green beam the chobot was gone and the hero wishered
    "smurfy" in her ear.
    Yea srry if the're over 15 lines xD gtg to school

    Anonymous said...

    The story Smurfet Saved Us.

    Chobots:Whats that big thing over there?

    Willam:Wahh!!!! Its the giant pie!

    Smurfet:Super smurfet here!

    Mimo07(Me):Smurfet! Yay!!!
    (Smurfet Attacks Big giant monstar Pie.

    Chobots:yahoo! GO SMURFET GO SMURFET!
    (Big crowd around smurfet) Made by mimo07 Name in chobots.

    Weme124 said...

    One day william came and said
    "Hey guys." We all crowed him.
    Sudenly a big huge mod named
    Jessie2000! We all screamed!
    "AHHHHHH!" Says everyone.
    5 minz later. She started to
    dance on us. But we moved around
    in circles. "Look up in the sky.
    Said Smirk. "It's a bird. "Its a
    plane. Said Omer "NO Its Smurfet
    the Bunny!!" We all cheered!
    Jessie was mad. She rowred and
    Rowred! We were sarced.But
    Smurfet said "Dont worry Chobots.
    I with Stop Her with My Carrot
    Gun!" She went down to the floor.
    And she was an ant! "Well You
    Caught me!" She said "So lets
    PARTY!!!!!!!!" Smurfet and Jessie
    Rained Like CRAZY. So Then we
    Had a Great party and we logged

    Like it? :)


    mctothemax said...

    When smurfet saved me!

    hey im mctothemax
    heres my story
    there me and my buddy jaden stood in the middle of the forest when we were pelted with peanuts by strangers.
    we thought we were finished until smurfet came to the rescue, as one of the strangers threw a peanut, smrfet threw a carrot which bounced of the peanut then bounced of the tree then hit all of the strangers.
    as we were about to say thank you he disappeared but we found a footprint and printed in it was"if you ever need me yell
    CARROTMAN! ::))

    thnx for reading ::))

    valikoss said...

    I think i remember the day When Smurfet saved me...
    I didnt have a lot of time since my most favourite item would be out of public and i didnt have a lot of time but i saw Smurfet coming from the East. I could not recognise him since the sun was behind him he was like an angel then he told me that he will help me he was playing games with me for 4 hours and thnx to him i got my item i was so huppy and after i got out of the shop i was ready to thank him but he had been disappeared it is like he flew with the air. It was amazing :)
    The End

    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    I was in the mission agency farming when all of a sudden it started raining CARROTS! And my pet was full, so couldn't help me neither could the cow. So, I started making rabbit noises hoping for rabbits to come, except I got Smurfet. He had just failed the test of the Cho Chef, and was told to eat more carrots, so he could see what was going in the cake. So when he saw them at the farm he gobbled them all up. When he went back to re take the test he baked the best CARROT CAKE ever in Cho History. =)

    By Starlet17

    Anonymous said...

    My story!!

    I was in the nicho kingdom mission when i suddenly saw that i was suppose to tug a rope.

    Aneelio(Me):Oh No!!Im not strong enough. What should i do??

    In that moment i heard a sound of a man flying with carrot jetpacks.
    Two seconds later i knew who he was.

    Smurfet(Hero):Oh dear, Have no Fear, Smurfet is here.

    And he started to tug.
    I saw his body having a bit trouble at first, then he got a glimpse in his eyes.
    He smiled and pulled the rope as hard as he could.
    That's when i realized that we were saved.

    Thats my Story, hope you like it!!


    Anonymous said...

    Hey, Me again!!
    I just realized that my story has exacly 15 lines.


    Good luck to all


    Anonymous said...

    Oh im sorry!
    the title to the story should be
    When smurfet saved me.
    i forgot to put it in.


    Jilli said...

    When Smurfet saved me!

    It was a Sunday afternoon. As usual I was working my security guard shift. I was guarding Hikikomori's limo, when all of a sudden...A SCREAMING CROWD!!! AHHHHH!!! I yell to Hiki, "RUUUNN!!" I do my best to fight off the fans. "It's no use," I think. DA DA DA!!! Smurfet shows up! To distract the chobots he rains S shirts and rains everything he can think of! "THANK YOU!! You saved me and Hiki from the fans!" Smurfet says, "No need to thank me, Its my job"

    The End


    z3hn said...

    When Smurfet Saved Me

    Z3hn: Hi.How are u? What's that on your hand?
    Stranger: Oh umm it's nothing It's just a crown
    Z3hn: Lol ok. Cya!
    Stranger: I will rule Carrot World!
    Z3hn: Did you say something?
    Stranger: Yes I did. Guess what I have in my hand.
    Z3hn: A crown? :O That's the carrot crown! Help! He stole the carrot crown!
    Smurfet: Did anyone say carrot? O.O That's the crown! Give me that! ~uses carrot powers~
    Z3hn: Woah! Nice powers. Thx for saving me. And here's a carrot cake :) You didn't just save me but the whole universe.

    7 Wizards said...

    When Smurfet svaed me
    so one day i was in sky city and i just woke up so i had to go get the mail. i still was really sleepy and i did not know what i was doing next thing i know i was riding some kind of pet. But it was not a pet it was smurfet with a green jet pack on. He told me i fell of the side of sky city and he saw it and got on his jet pack and saved me! THE END

    Anonymous said...

    When Smurfet Saved Me
    One day when I was a citizen I went to do Nichos Kingdom Mission by myself. All my friends were busy.My light bulb hat broke I got lost on the way and a Nichos Kidnapped me! Suddenly I was in a planet with hundreds of Nichos's.They took me to the prison and I stayed there for a while when I saw a flash of green. I thought I had seen a bunny but turns out it was Smurfet! He brang an extra jet pack and we flew out of Nichos planet and into Chobots. When Vayerman found out he awarded Smufet a bravery award. the end

    iceblock9 said...

    There i sat with a pie in my face well driving the rocketship andeverything was black! 1 hour earylier
    so i here smurft is going to having who can make the best pie contest said ninga are gonna enter iceblock9 asked?
    yeah i have a famouse choclate pie!!! yummm let me have a peice please answerd iceblock9
    mabey we will see are you gonna enter responed niga nah shh keep it a secret but im a judge
    30 minutes later... and the winner is niga annouced the smurtf hey smurft im gonna go test that new game
    you made where you collect bugs with the rockest catch you later wisperd iceblock9 and she snuck out and left
    she got in the space ship and pressed the start button it counted down 19 18 17 she heard a knock on the window
    and speed her head around niga_kitty? she asked. yes it is me you made my pie loose and you only voted
    for niga beacuse hes you bud so take this he flung the door open and threw the pie right in her face
    then slamed the door and the spaceship took off so there i was screaming my head off when all of a sudden
    i squint real hard trying to get the pie out of my face and smurft is in a space ship bummping up against mine
    he swallows what looks like telporter magic and there he his in my spaceship sterring it he turns right
    as i was about to hit a astroid and thats how smurft saved my life!
    by iceblock9

    Gmailchatter said...

    When Smurfet saved me!

    "AHH" I screamed, I was dying slowly carrots! I had caught a disease called carrotitis. If I didn't get a carrot, I would soon die. :( Luckily for me, Smurfet heard my scream and asked what was the trouble.
    "I have carrotitis! I need a carrot NOW!". Smurfet stared at me blanky. I said it again.
    " hem, i need a carrot now, WINK WINK."
    Smurfet caught on, but refused to give me his carrot! I was appalled. Until some chobot said "Smurf, give poor gmail your carrot, I'll buy you some more." So smurf gave in and gave me his carrot, and I didn't die of carrotitis. The End :)

    Anonymous said...

    When smurfet saved me:
    Smurfet was a fast acting superhero! He was wearing his green bunny mask and supercho suit.Then his secret carrot started buzzing. He hoped as fast as fast as he could. Dr.Nicho Started terrorizing me.Smurfet Hoped right in. Then he went into action got his Carzoka out. And blasted a carrot out at Dr.Nicho. The day was completeley saved. Thanks to the moderator.Eventaly dr.nicho got unchat banned and learned his lesson not to be a bad nicho. Smurfet saved the day from that day on from the carrorizers. Theeeeennnnd

    iluvcookiezz said...

    When Smurfet Saved Me

    It was a dark and lonely day,all was quiet except for one place,"AHHHH" broke the silence but there was no reply,everyone was gone "hmmm" said a superhero in a bunny mask
    "where is everyone"?suddlenly everything was black "mmmhp where am i?" the hero mumbled
    he was in a cage in the middle of nowhere where a little girl chobot crying.She was named iluvcookiezz."The bigger chobot has awoken master" smurfet heard "perfect bring him here"A penguin was there "HA HA HA CLUBPENGUIN WILL RULE AND CHOBOTS WILL FALL!"
    he gave a need to the little girl and she was silent.As soon as smurfet was out he summoned the power of carrots.Carrots from nowhere attacked all the penguin.Smurfet was about to leave when he remembered the girl."OH NO THEY POSINED HER!"He flew home with her stairt away."Snake venom deadlyest posision"He made a cure in the nick of time she was almost gone but then se awoken and said "thank u kind starger for saving chobots and my life" but the hero just said "smury" and flew away.

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