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    Tuesday, January 12, 2010
    Hi guys!
    I thought of a really creative idea for a contest. :) The contest is, you have to make a picture related to chobots out of food.

    Yep, thats right, I said food! :) Make it out of grapes, toast, anything you like! It just has to be related to chobots.

    And if you don't want to do that contest, I have another contest for all you earth researchers :)
    Find information about Ukraine!! Ukraine is where most of the chobots moderators live, and I think it is a wonderful place.
    You must have a picture of something in Ukraine that YOU DREW.
    I will know if you actually drew the picture or not. Also, you can't just copy and paste alot of information from a certain site, I see alot of people doing this on the main chobots blog and I don't like it. :) You can use websites for your information, but just put it in your own words! Its not hard at all. :)

    Enjoy! You have plenty of time.
    ~Yolande :)


    Goku said...

    uhhh could you please make contest with like writing because i cannot upload or download or do anything like this.thank you!

    Anonymous said...

    here is my pic :)

    Sakura said...

    Here Is my Entry ''Fruit Land'' :

    It isn't that good ,Sorry

    Hope you like it :], Good luck everyone

    <3 Xhenet

    chobos:) said...

    hey i made a chobot out of food but its in a video plz let it count i worked realy hard ok you go on you tube and search coolguy4fishalate2 i made it coolguy4 hope i win!!

    Thanskie said...

    Sorry no pic yolande. =I anyway but I have searched and I promise dat I have used my own words. here is my entry:

    UKRAINE: it is a place from eastern euorope.
    also, is 1 of da world's main centers of sugar production. It produces sugar both 4 da own needs & 4 export. The cliamte is also like a simple, moderate one.
    Also, here's a list of the special persons in Ukraine, I have serched them relly hard. one by one. ;)

    da Ambassador--William B. Taylor
    The Deputy Chief of Mission--James Pettit
    Political Counselor--Colin Cleary
    Economic Counselor--Edward Kaska
    Public Affairs Counselor--Christopher Fitzgerald
    Consul General--Landon Taylor
    Management Counselor:Robert Needham
    Commercial Officer:Rich Steffens
    USAID Mission Director:Janina Jaruzelski
    Regional Security Officer:Ronnie Catipon
    Department of Energy Director:Riaz Awan
    Agricultural Attache:Ann Murphy
    Defense Attache:Colonel Richard Anderson
    Pease Corps Director:Diana Schmidt

    da 1st identifiable groups 2 populate wat is now Ukraine were Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, nd Goths.

    That's da info's i gather soo far. :D


    hehe, like military. =P

    reaperzard said...

    Ukraine is bordered by Russia,Belarus,Poland,Moldova,Slovakia,
    Hungary and Romania.Its capital city is Kiev and the language in Ukraine is Ukrainian,The current president of Ukraine is Viktor Andriyovych Yushchenko. Ukraine has lots of predecessor countries such as Kievan Rus that existed from the 880s to 1240 which is a Old East Slavic state.Kievan Rus can be considered a predecessor to the countries of Russia , Ukraine and Belarus.Ukraine composes of 24 oblasts that are provinces, one autonomous republic that is called Crimea and its capital Kiev and Sevastopol which houses the Russian Black Sea Fleet under a leasing agreement. The Ukraine national anthem has several versions which i will show you here.
    pre-2003 lyrics
    Ще не вмерла Українa, ні слава, ні воля,
    Ще нам, браття-українці, усміхнеться доля.
    Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці,
    Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.

    Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу
    І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду.

    Станем браття, в бій кривавий, від Сяну до Дону
    В ріднім краю панувати не дамо нікому.
    Чорне море ще всміхнеться, дід Дніпро зрадіє,
    Ще на нашій Україні доленька наспіє.


    А завзяття, праця щира свого ще докаже,
    Ще ся волі в Україні піснь гучна розляже.
    За Карпати відіб'ється, згомонить степами,
    України слава стане поміж народами.


    Translated into english

    Ukraine's freedom has not yet perished, nor has her glory,
    Upon us, fellow Ukrainians, fate shall smile once more.
    Our enemies will vanish like dew in the sun,
    And we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own.

    We'll lay down our souls and bodies to attain our freedom,
    And we'll show that we, brothers, are of the Cossack nation.

    We'll stand together for freedom, from the Syan to the Don,
    We will not allow others to rule in our motherland.
    The Black Sea will smile and grandfather Dnipro will rejoice,
    For in our own Ukraine fortune shall flourish again.


    Our persistence and our sincere toils will be rewarded,
    And freedom's song will resound throughout all of Ukraine.
    Echoing off the Carpathians, and rumbling across the steppes,
    Ukraine's fame and glory will be known among all nations.


    Current lyrics

    Šče ne vmerla Ukrajina, ni slava, ni voľa,
    Šče nam, bratťa-ukrajinci, usmichneťśa doľa.
    Zhynuť naši vorižeńky, jak rosa na sonci,
    Zažyvemo i my, bratťa, u svojij storonci.

    Dušu j tilo my položym za našu svobodu
    I pokažem, ščo my, bratťa, kozaćkoho rodu.

    Stanem, bratťa, vsi za voľu, vid Śanu do Donu
    V ridnim kraju panuvaty ne damo nikomu.
    Čorne more šče vsmichneťśa, did Dnipro zradije,
    Šče na našij Ukrajini doleńka dospije.


    A zavźatťa praća ščyra svoho šče dokaže,
    Šče śa voli v Ukrajini pisń hučna rozľaže.
    Za Karpaty vidibjeťśa, zhomonyť stepamy,
    Ukrajiny slava stane pomiž narodamy.

    CHORUS -->
    Unfortunely google translator cannot give me the english translation so i will have to end it here.I hope you like my research.

    Gypman142 said...

    ~Heya! :)

    I made this for the "food competition" :))

    There are lots of fruits over the city! :D

    And the planet is on pizza! :)

    Hope you like it! :))


    Gypman142 said...

    ~Heya! :)

    I made another one! :)

    ~Hope you like that too! :))


    Gypman142 said...

    ~Heyaaa! :)

    ~It borders on Moldova, Slovakia, Roumania,Russia, Hungary and Poland on land and Russia, Bulgaria,Byelorussia, Georgia , Roumania and Turkey on sea.

    ~Ukraine is situated in the south-eastern part of Central Europe and has its own territory, government, national emblem, flag and anthem.

    ~The territory of Ukraine is mostly a level, treeless plain, calls "steppe". There are the Crimean Mountains in the Crimean peninsula and the Carpathians in the west, but they are not very high. Mixed forests of pine and fir-trees, beeches, limes, oaks and elms cover the mountains, but the thickest woods can still be found in the northern part of the republic, in Volyn. Kiev and Cherkassy lie in the midst of Ukrainian southernmost pine forest. The main Ukrainian river is the Dnieper. It is one of the longest European rivers and one of the republic's main source of hydroelectric power. The Dnieper and its tributary the Ross had been the cradle of the Ukrainian and Russian people in time immemorial.

    ~Winter is rather mild!
    ~Summer is quite hot and dry! :)

    ~The country is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, coal, color metal, oil, gas, mineral salts, clay and potential water power.

    ~i think Thats alL! :)

    ~I will post picture soon! :)


    Gypman142 said...

    And the pics:


    Chrisdogfan1 said...

    Here is my pic for the food:

    Hope you like it!!

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