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Dear blog readers! If u have interesting information to post or beautiful pictures, nice videos or may be original ideas about the future parties-contests, u can send all this to my e-mail:, so i can make this blog more interesting to you.
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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
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  • You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
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    Monday, November 9, 2009
    Well, do u like new banner ? i do :) the blog looks new and thats good. Pity u can have only 1 blog header (( would be nice to put some pics on the left part of the blog, but for bad i dont know how to do it and i think the blog layer i chose at the beginning wont let me to do it.

    Anyway there is thing which i can add to my blog. What is it ? Right, different gadgets like chat, which i had ( but removed because of strange ppl writing all the time badly) or music player or or or... Mb u know better?

    That is an aim of our next s-shirt contest :) Search for awesome gadgets, add them to ur blogs and show me pictures of them with a little explanation what do they do and where can i get them. The person who will find or have already found the most interesting gadget, will get S-shirt and may be something else.

    P.S. There are possible special prizes from me too:) Show ur skills in searching and surfing the net!!!

    U P D A T E
    And the winner becomes
    Aqua121 . The fish gadget makes me feel relaxed what about you ?


    Anonymous said...

    The item you neeed is the chobot tracker made by privacygames. Here is my blog:

    You can see the trackers on the side. Here is steps to get the trackers on blog:

    1. click on the bbottom of a tracker: get widget!

    2. widgetbox will come up and type in any chobot name in : chobot's name

    3. Since you have blogger, click on the big B one.

    4. A message will pull up and say to click on the Add widget button. Click it

    5. Another window will pull up and you chose the name which blog you want it on like your blog. Then chose the name that you want to all the tracker like "smurfet's tracker" .

    6. Click add now and your widget page will come up and your tracker will be right there on the top.

    7. The final step is to put the tracker where you want it to be and then press the save button!

    I hope you like the chobot tracker!

    Anonymous said...

    I mess it up alot so here are some changes to it:

    The item you neeed is the chobot tracker made by privacygames. The chobot tracker can show thier name, thier statuse like a mod. or agent, thier name, what they are wearing, are they online or offline for some days or no days like today, thier background, and thier age. It doesn't show where they are if online or what room. Here is my blog for chobot trackers:

    You can see the trackers on the side. Here is steps to get the trackers on your blog:

    1. click on the bbottom of a tracker: get widget!

    2. widgetbox will come up and type in any chobot name in : chobot's name

    3. Since you have blogger, click on the big B one.

    4. A message will pull up and say to click on the Add widget button. Click it

    5. Another window will pull up and you chose the name which blog you want it on like your blog. Then chose the name that you want to all the tracker like "smurfet's tracker" .

    6. Click add now and your widget page will come up and your tracker will be right there on the top.

    7. The final step is to put the tracker where you want it to be and then press the save button!

    I hope you like the chobot tracker!

    Yolande said...

    cool! i know of a pretty cool gadget :))
    its a primarygames gadget, with the gadget you can send chobots ecards to your friends :))
    i have it on my :)

    i will find some more gadgets :)

    Anonymous said...

    Yolande, you already have a s shirt and you work for him. lol

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    lets see
    how about one of the hit counters o wait u have that or u can lets see um well its not5 a gadget but u can have a a blogroll

    Anonymous said...

    Here is another gadget! Its made by jessie2000 and its the jessie's blog. You can see jessie's blog on the widget and scroll down to see more posts. Here is blog:

    Its at the very bottom just in case you don't know were it is.

    elite666 said...

    I found this cool widget where you can display mini websites to your blog, so while they visit your blog they can be on another site about Chobots or something, YOU choose the sites to display so it's handy.

    elite666 said...

    Oh and of course you are able to display some of your other Chobots Blogs smurf :P Or if you wanna show some cool headers add sites with your headers for people to see them ;)

    Anonymous said...

    Another widget is just the same as jessie's widget but its for chobots community. It is made by chobotswifty and you can see the community and its like a slideshow! Pause it to read it and click the next post to see the next post. Here is blog:

    ON the very bottom of page. More widgets coming!

    mcfreddy said...

    Here is one. click most popular. u will see a countdown one. use it to countdown upcoming parties. another one is collection of games. go to and type in the game collection where it says search. i cant put the embed code here bc it doesnt work.

    Anonymous said...

    Here's mine

    You can put a widget in your blog with text and your picture in it Like Welcome to Smurfet's Blog your picture is the background of it with glitters just go to
    and upload your picture and write your text you want to appear and the code will appear copy it and go to layout of the dashboard of your blog,add gadget,html code, and paste the code and save.

    Go to my blog for sample:


    Yolande said...

    i know , i am just helping him out :)

    nflsmacktalk said...

    I have an app you should put on!!!

    put on event app!!! You can show all the parties on chobots!!!

    when you click add a gadget on the right you will see a list. click more gadgets. It will be the second one. You should see it without scrolling.


    lolz552 said...

    hey smurfet how do you get a chobots smurfet tracker and a jessie one from lolz552 i saw you like two days ago and you were just standing there lol anyways plz check out my blog and its called plz follow it and meaby you could add it to your blog list.

    Davis said...

    check out my blog hechmex1.blogspot and look at the sparkly letters at the top of the page

    Anonymous said...

    can i have ur email smurf? i dont want people to know or to copy this unique gadget i have.


    P.s. still too lazy to log in

    Anonymous said...

    u cud have a flagcounter or a tracker or urs


    Smurfet said...

    my email u can find on the blog in the right toolbar!!!

    jglgs1998 said...

    The one i found is called "fish"
    to make fish you have to do these steps
    1:Go to most popular and the 3rd one is fish
    2:Click the title "Fish"
    3:Put the title of it such as "Fish"
    4:Pick the height of it like it already has 200
    5:Pick the name:the example it has is called "Fish"
    6:Pick the color of the background that has colors already in it
    7:Put an image in it if nececarry
    8:Pick the number of the fish such as 4 or 3
    9:Pick the color of fish that the number you chose for example:5 fish=5 diffrent colors
    10:Pick the food color such as black or orange
    11:If you chose custom color from step 9
    12:Ok youre finally done with the updates
    Hope this helped =)

    Ps:This wus really long it took me 10-20 mins to ype all of this 0_0 xD

    Aqua121 said...

    oops i forgot to log it into mine sorry smrfy
    so the last one with the "Fish" one is mine (aqua121)if i win can you give jglgs1998 one s-shirt as well? plz its his blog and he told me that if i can put it for him becuz he wus busy


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