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Monday, November 16, 2009

When you buy a robot you get it with a basic configuration: level 1; Energy 20; Attack 6; Defence 3; Accuracy 4; Mobility 2
More wins => More Experience => Higher Level => Cooler ItemsThere are two catalogs with Robot Items: One with the items you can put on your robot (Robot Weapons) and another one with the items which intensify or upgrade robot’s abilities (Special Items).You can buy only the items that are opened for your level. For example, if you have a robot with 1st level, you are able to buy only Helmet and all the rest items in the catalogs are closed.
Robot loses its energy after a combat loss. The energy bar can be full or empty. If it’s empty you should Repair your Robot before the next battle.Experience bar increases after your robot’s win. When this bar is full you gain the next level and the new robot items are opened.There are three types of robot items:
Basic Items – weapons you can put on a robot (helmet, chassis, etc.)To put on a robot this item, drag it from a box to a robot body
Special Items – items you can use in a battle (like Lightning, Energy Repair, etc.)To use this item drag it from a box to a circle in a right upper corner
Upgrades – items which intensify or upgrade robot’s abilities (Attack, Defence, Accuracy, Mobility)To use this item drag it from a box to a small rectangle in the bottom of the Configurator screen
If your Robot is ready, go and challenge another Robot :) You should open someones character window. If this chobot has a robot you'll find a button 'Robot'. Click it and you'll see your opponents characteristics and a button 'Challenge!"
See you tomorrow in the Arena ;) Will you come?
Basic Items – weapons you can put on a robot (helmet, chassis, etc.)To put on a robot this item, drag it from a box to a robot body
Special Items – items you can use in a battle (like Lightning, Energy Repair, etc.)To use this item drag it from a box to a circle in a right upper corner
Upgrades – items which intensify or upgrade robot’s abilities (Attack, Defence, Accuracy, Mobility)To use this item drag it from a box to a small rectangle in the bottom of the Configurator screen
If your Robot is ready, go and challenge another Robot :) You should open someones character window. If this chobot has a robot you'll find a button 'Robot'. Click it and you'll see your opponents characteristics and a button 'Challenge!"
See you tomorrow in the Arena ;) Will you come?
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