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    Wednesday, November 11, 2009
    Hi guys!

    I have a new contest for you, and I think you will like it. :)

    The contest is called What Do I Wear!??!

    What you gotta do is look at my wardrobe and pic out an outfit for me. The outfit must be appropriate. :)

    Here is a pic of my wardrobe:

    Have fun! Winners will recieve S shirts & other good entrie will recieve 1,000 bugs. :)


    Mcfreddy said...

    the orange-brownish afro hair with the orange-brownish tie and the nerd glasses and then the irish skirt and rock boots.

    Anonymous said...

    I made a picture of what you should wear! I circled it in red. :D But I cant upload for some reason. :(

    You shoulod wear ur purple citizen hair with that little pink bow on it. And you should wear that blue and purple tutu. With that purple pacifier. And ur purple non-citizen glasses. with that carolina blue jacket. Its near the top of ur wardrobe. Also ur purple bunny shoes. And ur paintbrush. :)


    P.S. Too lazy to logg into my account XD

    Nathaniel said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Nathaniel said...

    Red Bow, Skirt, , Pink V-Flag, Orange Hover Board, FireWork Backpack, ... Lol

    Yolande said...

    hey guys!
    thanks for entering! they all sound awesome :D

    keep posting your ideas!

    aqua144 said...

    i put rectangle around what you should wear :)


    Anonymous said...

    ok copy and paste the link below

    oh and if its circled black it means that i like it that color, and if i circled it pink it means it has to be pink

    ~z3hn hope i win! i enterd lots of contest xD

    Anonymous said... woops forgot to put the link sorry well here it is:


    mthakati said...

    umm... Hey! =D

    You - Yoland i think youll love This ;)

    30 Shirt,
    Red Hair (that is that hair, what is on your header on your blog - Chobots Addicted),
    Red Cool Shoes (Them, what i am wearing, what was only for non-citizens, it isnt on sale now),
    Candy Backpack,
    Red Heart Glasses
    If You can buy,
    Then Red Hoverboard (any of them =D)

    Chew , Hope Ya Like it! Yay! =D

    mthakati said...


    Of Course (drum roll please) THE BRUUUUUSHH!!! =D =)

    P.S. If You Want Then Dont Wear THE BRUUUUUSHH. =D

    Love The Brush =)

    Chew2 =D

    Unknown said...

    heres mine

    Guytar said...

    How about the paint brush with no lag shirt and red shoes and the hair with the red bow

    Twinkler said...

    Hi Yolande,

    Twink here.. I think you should wear...drum roll please xD the pink sorta coat at the top of your wardrobe (the thing that bee used to wear :)the skirt any colour because I can only see a purple one!! the purple bunny slippers the orange long hair with the sorta bobbles in it and the orange hoverboard!! there we go lol thanks Yolande bye ~Twinkler~

    Twinkler said...

    oh yeah sorry and Paintbrush xD

    Sheenieboy said...

    hey all smurfet's blog team !
    here's my entery for the contest ! :

    1. S Shirt
    2. Green Cho-Board
    3. Bananna Backpack
    4. Sun Glasses
    5. Orange Agent Flag
    6. Green Bunny Mask
    7. Paint Brush
    8. Green Tight Shorts
    9. Green Shoes

    And here's a link to a picture of my answers :

    Hope you like it !
    Cya around on chobots cya =)


    Anonymous said...

    Purple Bunny Shoes, Brush, Pink Citizen Hair, Navy Blue and Pink Non-Citizen Top, Purple Dungarees and Pink SmilEy Flag! :D

    That's my idea! :D Hope you like it :P

    Bumble94566(Bumble on

    eddiemo12 said...

    purple glasses
    pink smiley flag
    purpleish pinkish cape
    pink drum
    pink i.o.u shirt
    pink hair with 2 red thinks on each side
    bunny shoes


    eddiemo12 said...

    orange board

    orange afro/ or orange long hair with pink bow on it (ur choose)

    orange ove shirt

    yellow glasses

    orange agent star flag

    orange shoes the toe out ones


    Anonymous said...

    I think you should were,

    The pink citizens hair,
    the green pants,
    the 500 top,
    the purple bunny shoes,
    the yellow hoerboard,
    the orange agent flag,
    and your paintbrush.

    If I win My name is Minymo123 :)

    Anonymous said...

    limegreen monster shirt, alien head, a smiley flag, and bunny slippers. my name is jat99ily on chobots haha. ur my friend! bye!

    Anonymous said...

    wait.. and yellow glassses. lol bye

    reeter said...

    pink kitty mask
    pink v flag
    paint brush
    flower shoes
    light pink g girl shirt
    and some pink pants

    thts all the ideas i got lol:)

    Yellowhouse said...

    The hair with a purple flower on it
    the orange and green suit in the wardrobe
    the orange board
    ur paintbrush
    the orange shoes :)


    Ironchef619 said...

    okay here:

    Chobots name Ironchef619

    PS hope ya like it
    pss hope i winn

    -love ya-

    Elementxtreme said...

    wear the paint brush, the grey pants, the s shirt, the brown hair with the purple flower, the red shoes,the agent flag,and the red and white candy backpack

    Plutonio said...

    Wear this,

    Pink Hair,Pink V-flag,Tutu,Pink kitty mask,Pink suit found at the upper right corner,Heart glasses,red shoes,paint brush and red hover board


    nflsmacktalk said...

    agent outfit with agent flag!!!


    Anonymous said...

    I THink you should wear :
    Beta Hat
    Hair ( Like Go! )
    The Shirt What is it(up you chobot)
    THe Skirt next to them
    Flower Shoes
    THe Orange Hover Board
    The Pink V-flag
    Banana or Tnt Backpack

    woot long comment :)
    Hope i win :)
    p.s. Yolande try out this outfit i sended u and see if its good :)


    Anonymous said...

    Oh wait i made a mistake

    Wear a Hair Not the last one of top of it the Purple one WITHOUT THE BETA HAIR!



    Jakey Goes Rawr :] said...

    i think u wear the leporchan hat those green glasses a red bow tie a amercian flag and those red boots and a 30 shirt it would look really cool! :D

    Jakey Goes Rawr :] said...

    also any kindo of backapck! sorry forgot

    Anonymous said...

    Smurfet shirt
    Pink V-flag
    Alien Mask
    Bow Tie
    Orange Choboard
    Carrot Backpack

    My Chobots name is Netman13

    Julz said...

    Green outfit for Blog's main colour!

    Wow im lazy ^_^

    xoxo Julz

    Anonymous said...

    I call this look Twisted Agent
    Nicho mask with black agent suit and purple bunny shoes on orange choboard and purple smiley flag.

    Anonymous said...

    Oh yes can we send multiple entries?

    Anonymous said...

    Yo Yolande heres my entry what will you wear.. I circle around what you will wear ok heres the pic
    Hope you like it yolande

    Anonymous said...

    i circled the things i like :D


    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    Look at my blog


    nikita911 said...

    1.the spiky hair
    2.the nichos mask
    3.the dark green jacket
    4.skirt hoever board

    Anonymous said...

    santa hat
    paint brush
    green bunny mask
    pinkish shorts with orange v-stripe
    red shoes
    s shirt

    heres a picture of it the items arein the black squares


    1bowwow123 said...

    the pink v flag the pink cat mask the pink agent suitand the yellow board hpoe i win and thx for haveing this cool contest sorry if some things r misspelled im in a rush

    Marsharshar said...

    the black hair with the red bow
    the purple bunny slippers
    vest/jacket at top the far right one
    purple and blue tootoo
    non citizen purple glasses
    remeber my name is clubpenguin_fan cp_fan for short

    jglgs1998 said...

    you should wear red tie,dragon mask,30 day shirt,and pink bottom

    Yaniv L. said...

    go to and see your new cool style i made for you

    hope i win

    ~ v-chobot

    In my name you see shadow, its kinda my nickname

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