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Dear blog readers! If u have interesting information to post or beautiful pictures, nice videos or may be original ideas about the future parties-contests, u can send all this to my e-mail:, so i can make this blog more interesting to you.
Interesting phrases
  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
  • "Most people are as happy as they decide to be." -Abraham Lincoln
  • "To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible." Thomas Aquinas
  • "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einstein
  • You take chances and you make mistakes but everything you do is extreme.
  • Let your imagination fly,there is no limit.
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    Thursday, November 19, 2009
    Well, i really liked the betatester's post about the story how did u start to play chobots. That's why i decided to make a writing contest. The rules are next : the story should be less than 1000 symbols (letters/numbers/spaces/etc), it must concern chobots world, it can be real or imagined.

    The winner will get s-shirt and the best story will be posted on the main chobot's blog and mb vayerman will give some special prize ( i havent asked him yet ).

    So use ur imagination and writing skills and let us have big pleasure while reading ur works!!!

    Where did u find that this has to be a how did u start playing chobots story ??? I told u the rules!!! The story just need to concern chobots world. And plz dont write that big stories like plutonio did. READ THE RULES FIRST!!!

    U P D A T E
    I liked ur stories very much and i decided to continue this contest till next saturday, so those who had not time to write could do it and give us cool stories!!!


    Anonymous said...

    Back in chobots when the first agents were coming and there wern't many people coming to this terrific world two people stepped up and helped all chobots.Their names were chobot and god.They were the first agents.They were caring people with hearts of gold, or should i say cho!Anyway they thought chobots should always have freedom and privacy.The evil nichos thought the exact opisite.They thought they should enslave chobots and start taking over the world!So chobot and god did something they fought to get the nichos out of the galaxy.Well it worked and they defeted the nichos.Now all chobots can live in peace and harmony with freedom thanks to the two brave saints chobot and god. Story be pake101.(ps first comment

    yodathesoda said...

    About four hundred days ago, all i could do was watch tv. There were no fun games to play.When i first heard of chobots, man i thought it was boooring! I did not even see the map i thought the whole world of chobots was just cafe street! I saw people using bad words and i thought this was an unsafe game to play. About 300 days ago a made another account out of bordrem named turbogre. Even then i thought it was boring. Now i heard one of my best friends talking about it and exactly 178 days ago i joined with an account called yodathesoda. Now my brothers sisters cousins and close friends all play because i showed it to them!

    Mcfreddy said...

    A long time ago i lived with caveman. All they did is pick their nose. They offered if I wanted some i said ya and it was good. Later that day aliens from plant cho came and abducted all the caveman so no more boogers for me. =/ Ive decided to pick my own nose but when I tried I sneezed instead and flew all the way to planet cho. There I found an all you can eat booger cafe with booger shakes, booger apples and booger booger. It was heaven for me. One day I found a cow, picked his nose but he exploded. I exploded with him. Then we met Santa Claus but thats a different story. No caveman nor cows were harmed in the making of this story.

    Hope you liked it! Sorry about the boogers. xP This is 100% real. Lol. Just kidding. xP

    Mcfreddy said...

    WOAH! soz. i just realized that it has to be how you started playing chobots. if the story on top isnt ok then here is a story:

    Once upond a time, it was raining then, BOOM! It hit me. It was a computer. I turned on the screen and there it was. Chobots was already opened. There was an account named Mcfreddy on it so I hacked the account (SHHHH). I started playing for a while and I liked it so I helped out and became an agent. Then I met famous people. They wouldn't add me so I bribed them 1000 bugs. They said yes. I never gave it to them. They found where I lived, came to my house and by the time I got to the last letter of the story they ate me. =S O.O It was fun! =D I was not harmed in the making of this story.

    Hope you like it. It is fake. =S

    Sheenieboy said...

    hello smurfet ,

    this is my story :

    I was just on when i seen, so u regestered and my name was "superman524" I played it for a while and i realy enjoid it. Then i got adicted to the game and there was loads of parties at that time and a mod rained but i didn't know what it was. So i clicked on it and i had a message " you got a gift " with a picture of what i clicked on it. i clicked put on and it put it on for me and i had some clothes at last then someone was asking if anyone wanted a tour and i said "me please?" and i was in cafe street at that time and he just said everything about that place and then we went to a different place and it just carried on intill we finneshed all chobots world. Then he told he to go on the officiol blog so i did. I followed it then i just had tun trading and sending gifts to people who didnt have any clothes, like i did.
    and i made lots of friend's. then i invited all my friends on to chobots and showed them around and helped them to enjoi chobots like i did, And they did. so i just carried on playing chobots.

    Well hope you like it =)


    salmon219 said...

    the way i started on chobots is that i went to a freinds house then i saw him playing cp or club penguin so i askid if i could make one to. he said i can so i made one then
    i got bored so i went to mimos blog and i saw an add of chobots on his blog so i cheaked it out and it was so kool. so i made one and now i bought a citizen and im haveing more fun then i became a citizen and im haing so much fun thx smurfet and all others

    salmon219 said...

    opps srry i put the same ting plz for give me

    Anonymous said...

    Hi smurfet! Here is how I joined chobots:

    While I was playing clupenguin in July 23, I went on mimo's blog for news and cheats for it. Then one day, I saw that their was a chobots ad, so I clicked on it. It took me to his site for chobots and I saw: Become a chobot. I clicked on it and it did the usaul thing how to regiser. When I activated my account, I went to chocolate at park. Moonkee or smurfet was having a rain party there! When I saw the rain coming down, I didn't know that you where apost to click it. Then the second rain was the 500 shirts, I clicked on all of them and it send messanges. Then I decided that I would play this game more than cp. Back then, I never had a tour, so I just learned everything on my own. During the time when I joined, smurfet had his 200th followers party!

    I hope you love my story!

    Plutonio said...

    Once upon a time in my lonely years, I was very tired and bored of several games until one time, when i saw Mimo's blog it showed how chobots look like and it was really good! It shows good oppurtunities the graphics were amazing and there were gifts button and educational facts from the cho-proffesor and I told my self if i join Chobots it will entertain me! and my loneliness was over-runned with joy.
    Until i registered and play chobots, and there was an automatic tourguide to help me around and get started, First I played Cow Mission that game was better than my old games and since i have less money and clothes there were chobots who welcomed me and they sent me gifts like clothes,rocket boots and headphones to start a new day!I was roaming around in chobots and everyone was good to me and one day a chobot came near to me and said, Would you like to be an author of my blog? And i answered Yes,This game has many blogs and the authors were the chobots who played i was amazed i was a blogger of a famous blog when i was only 12 days in chobots.There were parties and i was shocked it rained in chobots with clothes that was amazing i recieved a lot of piratesuit that inspired me.There were games everywhere so you won't get bored and it helps you gain coins.I had friends with the moderators and they talk to me it gives me joy they were humble and everywhere I go everywhere chobot was smiling, if I need help there are agents who guide me everything was amazing.
    The coins i earned i bought some well designed clothes from the chobots team and i felt that i am a good fashioner.There were contests going aroung to earn coins and rare items so i joined at an early age in chobots i started winning, Chobots were amazed! and i was happy, Until now i continue playing chobots with a happy smile:)
    ~Thank you Chobots for the joy!

    Anonymous said...

    Sorry smurfet! Mine is how the robots were made. Here is mine:

    One day, vayerman, smurfet, and hiki were looking for nichos at the nicho hideout. They looked everywhere but couldn't find a nicho. Then at the end of the nicho hideout, they hid behind a bush since the nicho king did a ceremony for their new king. They got their rayguns ready and jumped out of the bush! They shot all the nichos, even the king nicho! The only thing there was a wierd creature that looked like a robot! Hiki,vayerman, and smurfet got closer to the robots and poked it. The robot spoked," Don't shoot me! I'm the new nicho king but i'm friendly." They said,"Why don't you come with us?" The robot said," Ok. I'll come with you." They exited the nicho hideout and went to the chobot lab. Vayerman said, Can we make more of you since you're a cool creature?" The robot said" Ok. I can finally have a friend like me." Vayerman had an anouncement that robots are coming in November. Everyone was happy since they are getting robots. All the mods. helped with putting the robots together. Then Nov. came and they were finished with the robots. They anounced that they are done with robots but need the robot arena. Then the next week, robots were out! Everyone was happy with the robots. The nicho king was happy now that he has alot of friends now.

    I hope you like my story!

    Mcfreddy said...

    oh. soz smurfet. the first sentence u wroter cofnused me. soz. =S

    idreisrocks said...

    hi smurfet here is my story,
    (thanks for the s shirt by the way)
    it started as a myth born from the shadows,
    a new game called chobots has waken upon it self,
    as i started it was dust, Nothing was inportant in my cho-live but then everyone sweard, scammed,
    spammed and worst of all tryed getting peoples accounts,
    after a while now everyone gets use to it,
    next thing i relise is that i see people making blogs and i joined my first one and then i found my two best friends (leone123 & sarahd11)
    it was fun times and now that i relised it the robots came out and everyone was BUSY!
    now everyone just continues there cho-life
    THE END :D

    i hope you liked it :D
    if i win and i get a s shirt could you give that s shirt to rather leone123 or sarahd11 because they are helpfull,

    i want to keep the rest though XD

    Yellowhouse said...

    Calm down
    Good luck guyz :)

    The Enthusiast said...

    It was a sunny day , I went outside to play with my friends.There names were Fred , Tom and Elizabeth.
    We descided to go play sweet battle!We got our equipment and went off.
    "Come on guys may the best win!" said Fred.We went in the game.I was in the middle.Elizabeth threw a cake at me but i managed to run away from it.Then i threw a cake back at her and i got her.After five minutes...It was me against Fred!
    "Ready to give up?" asked Fred with a smile. "Never" I relied.I was out of ammo , i only had one explosive mouse.Fred was running towerds me!I fell on the ground.Fred was getting close!I got up rain and when he didnt see i put the mouse on the floor.I fell again
    "Well ready to give up now?" asked Fred with a smile. "NEVER!!!" I shouted.Fred came closer and closer he was taking out his last cake i only have 5hp so it would be enought for me. Fred laughed and went forward when he went just ten centimeters he steped on my mouse and exploded. "Wahoo!!!" I shouted.
    Nice game guys!!!Do you want to go back tommorow? "Sure!" everyone agreed!

    Gonzales said...

    smurfy here is my story hope u like))
    One Day when I watching the blog of my friends I found chobots then i start playing it when December 22, 2008 then i invite my friend to play it her name is paris006 we are same dont know about chobots, few days later i saw in chobots official blog that they needs 20 agents then I help lots of chobots and i found a lonely chobots in cafe st. her name is harmony then i help her to know all i know about chobots and i give her a tour in the city,few days later tina post the 1st 10 agents and i was there and im very happy of that time and thankful and that day my chobots adventure start lots of happen to me everyday and i do my best to be a good example of every chobots until now im still doing good to chobots now im still waiting for my 1 year b-day on chobots and im excited for it:D
    The End...
    Advance Merry Xmas & Happy New Year
    hope u like my story

    Yolande said...

    lol guys
    no stories about how u joined chobots! lol!!

    Anonymous said...

    Idk why they are doing it! I did an imagination story that talks about chobots.

    Smurfet said...

    i just thought that there are much more interesting themes for stories except of how did u join chobots :)

    Guytar said...

    Well chobots all started when i was very little me and my mom were driving and are car ran out of gas so we stopped in a place called Chobots World the next day we were living there that's how I joined chobots!:D

    Guytar said...

    Oh sorry Yolande I didnt see that comment.

    flame_dart said...

    Well i loved club penguin and i was a great fan of mimo, i was searching his blog, I scrolled down and he had this linki that said "Join now!!!" i clicked it and it came up the home page, i was very exited i clicked become a chobot and filled in all tyhe details statred playing and since then i havn't played club penguin. When i was playing i met this Agent "Yolande"
    (My best friend now!) and he was just so nice i asked him "if he wanted to be friends" he said yes (Thankfully because if he said "no" this friendship worldn't exsist, and now i am very keen on becoming Agent,

    And that's my story Smurfet!!!

    Sheenieboy said...

    but smurfet i just wanted to write how i joined chobots ='( thats all i could think of i just wanted to make a stori ! and you got mad i didnt mean to ! ='( your mean there's no need to shout at us because we tryd to enter your contest !

    Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Unknown said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    idreisrocks said...

    um im going to lose XD

    Smurfet said...

    hehe ) superman524, dont think i am mad when i write with big letters... I just wanted to pay ur attention to the rules. And u can write about everything u want, but mcfreddy wrote in a comment that it has to be a how did u start playing chobots story, so i wanted to tell rest that it's not really so :)

    Sheenieboy said...

    dear smurfet,

    Sorry i just thoart you were shouting at us for making a stori about how we started !
    im very sorry your a realy nice mod =)

    Elementxtreme said...

    smurfet here is my story by elementxtreme:One day,i was really tired and i wanted to play a new virtual game on the internet. i tried a game called clubpenguin it was ok and boring then i discovered this really awesome virtual world that was 10000 times better than clubpenguin the game was called chobots at first i thought it looks ok then i played the game then all of a sudden my life completely changed i loved this game.I loved the rains,awesome clothes,the super awesome and nice moderators and agents and of course the new friends i met on the game. Ever since i joined this awesome game i played everyday. It was the best game i ever played!! :D

    Peacemaker said...

    One dark damp day in cho. Peacemaker was walking alone. She heard crying but couldn't find where. She kept walk and then a little cho boy with a green bunny mask was sitting all alone and was crying. "Whats wrong?"
    He looked up. "nothing its just that I went to a mask party they kicked me out" He kept sniffing.
    "Its okay." Said Peacemaker
    Peacemaker sat down right next to him. "I'm Peacemaker. Whats your name?"
    "Smmm... Smmmm.. Smmurfet.."
    "Very nice to meet you."
    "y-y-y you too"
    It was silent for while. "I got an idea!!" Peacemaker said cheerfully
    "lets make our own mask party!!"
    "You can do that?"
    "Sure we can!"
    " Oookay" Smurfet said still down
    "Lets go to my house!" Peacemaker said all excited.
    Peacemaker ran and Smurfet followed.
    "Okay I will call all my friends."
    "Okay!" Smurfet said cheerfully.
    An hour later the party had started and Smurfet and Peacemaker was now friends. They partyed till they dropped!

    Hope you like my story! Good luck other entry's!


    Davis said...

    One day in chobots there was a sad little chobot who was miserable. A chobots walked up to him and asked why he was sad. He said that his bff said they were longer friends. All of a sudden there was a shooting star. The sad chobot wished for a new bff. Then he went home and went to bed. The next morning he woke up and went to the cafe for breakfast. A chobot just walked up to him and started to treet him like a new best friend. They told each other about themselves and spent the whole day at there house talking about what they love and there hobbies and stuff luke that. After the new chobot left, the little chobot got ready for bed. He thought about his new friend and how he got him to be his bff. Then he remembered he wished on a shooting star. Then he smiled. I guess his wish came true.

    Hope you like my story ;)

    Davis said...

    o srry there are some spelling errors like the luke is acutually like srry about that.

    Smurfet said...

    nice stories :)

    bot134689 said...

    These is how i first started chobots-I first then created an by checking for games like Club Penguin.Then i ran into on Mimo`s Club Penguin cheat site.I then created an account.Then at school I got alot of homework. So I completely forgot about Then I checked the Mimo`s Club Penguin cheat site for cheats. I then found Chobots again and restored my account(I forgot password).
    And this is how I FIRST started playing Chobots
    My Chobot name is bot134689

    Plutonio said...

    Smurfet, really closed to 400 followers!

    Smurfet, before i did not know the rules of this blog that i should ask permission from you first in helding contests.When i recieved the mail of rules it was too late. Can you consider it? Smurfet, pls give me a chance in working here again:) I did some really good posts before:)


    Unknown said...

    about one million years ago two planet mixed namely cho and bot and when they mixed they named chobot after some days an astronaut named vayerman goes to moon but he saw the planet named chobot and he gone there and he saw there was live on that planet and then he invited some other people and they developed it and everyone started living there and said it was better than our boring earth even i was invited by vayerman and i played it forever with my friends and my best fiends smurfet after some days it developed into an awesome place where there are robots too which are even not in earth

    nikita911 said...

    One sunny day it was my first day on chobts i didnt now what to do and i realised i was naked so i went to the shop to buy something i rrealsied that i had no mmoney i went to my house i realised i had no furnutureO.o i went to the cafe and i meat lots of nice people they help ed me with money and all the rest

    bot134689 said...

    I like all of these stories to :)

    Anonymous said...

    One day i was sitting on my couch sobbing and eating icecream sence i was so bored. i went on the computer and looked up some virtual games. (sence im obsessed with alll different types of virtual games) i found chobots. and I thought it was really weird. so I didnt wanna go on it. But then my friend say she played on it and so then i started to. and it was SO fun! and now im OBSESSSED! haha thanks bye

    Yolande said...

    Ok, here is a story that I wrote hehe :)

    Once upon a time, a small chobot with the name of Jiblee logged online to chobots. She loved to hang out with her friends! As she logged on, she remembered that her friends were throwing her a 50th birthday party! "We can have it at the park, at 13:00! Ok, Jiblee?" Jiblee remembered exactly what her friend had said when she told her the location and time of the party. "I can't wait any longer," she thought. "I gotta go to the park now!" So Jiblee went. She was suprised, because she was the only one there. "Oh, well they must be running a little late, thats all," she reminded herself. 15 minutes past, and still none of her friends were there. She wasn't going to give up. 30, 40, now 50 minutes had gone by and she was still the only one there. Jiblee felt her eyes starting to water. "Don't cry, Jilbee!!" she heard someone say. Jiblee glanced at the clock, and it was 12:59! So they weren't late!! "SUPRISE!!!" Jiblee's friends shouted as the clock showed 13:00. "Aww, thanks guys!" she exclaimed. "You guys are the best!!!" Jiblee hugged all of her friends as they handed her gifts. Then, someone rained for her a b day shirt!! "Happy Birthday, Jiblee!" Vayerman said to Jiblee. "Enjoy your special shirt, and have fun with your friends!!" "Thanks Vayerman!! Thanks guys!! This is the best birthday EVER!" Jiblee was so happy, she couldn't believe she ever thought that her awesome friends wouldn't show up!
    The end :)

    lol enjoy, :))

    Yolande said...

    wow, i didn't notice it was so long, sorry lol

    Unknown said...

    this is how vayerman thought to make the pool

    one day vayerman was playing chobots and the time was of summer and vayermans sister said to him come we have to go for swimming he agreed and started going when he reached at the pool he saw that people was dying and they cant bear that sunlight and he thought chobots were also feeling hot so he thought of making pool........and chobots say that place was awesomest place ever on chobots

    jglgs1998 said...

    This is my story
    I used to play Clubpenguin but after i got around 175 days old it got boring so i stoped then my freind told me about Chobots, when i just heard the name chobots i knew i was already would have been adicted and i was right. So now i usualy never play Clubpenguin i always play Chobots.

    Nathaniel said...

    It Was St. Patrick's Day, Everyone Dressed In Green :)
    A Young Little Chobot Name Nat Decided To Go Buy HIMSELF Some Green Clothing. "Hmm ... Maybe I Should Get This Hat ... These SWEET Shoes... And I'll Take This Coat :)"
    Nat Walked Out Of The Shop With His St. Patrick's Day Clothing
    "Nice Suit ;)." Said A Chobot With a Green Bunny Mask, An "S" Shirt, And a Delicious, Nutritious, Nice Orange Carrot In His Hand.
    "Smurfy!!" Said Nat. "Nice Green Bunny Mask. :))" Said Nat, With a Smile On His Face.
    "You Sure Seem To Have Some St. Patrick's Spirit!" Said Smurfet.
    "lol, I Suure Do!" Said Nat.
    "Well, Cya Later Buddy!" Said Smurfet. "Have a Greeny St. Patrick's!"
    "Bye!" Waved Nat.
    I WILL Have a Greeny St. Patricks. ;P

    Nathaniel said...

    Lol, Thats Mah Story.
    I Joined Chobots On St. Pat's Day. ;)

    Seamc said...

    My name is famouschobots not famouschobot!lol
    Anyways smurfet, this is famouschobots's story!

    One time not to long ago..
    I was on my computer,I yawned and said"i am getting bored of computers."

    So I turned of my computer and walked outside.Then I saw my dog walking over to me,
    My dog had a piece of paper in his mouth, Then he droped the paper on my toe.
    I picked up the paper,There was text on the paper i read it.
    it said "Come play Chobots now! just go to and make an account!!"
    There was a list of what you can do on on chobots at the bottom of the page.
    It said "You can chat with friends,play games,earn bugs,buy clothes,houses,furniture and more!It also said learn about the earth and become an agent!!
    so I ran to my computer,turned it on went on to chobots then made an account and started to play.
    After 2 minutes I say "wow best game ever!!"
    And about after a week or so I was so addicted to chobots that I even made a blog at and i still continue to blog about chobots!

    iluvcookiezz said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    iluvcookiezz said...

    Once there was a weird world.I've never seen this world i thought to myself.I went there and there was there alien-like creatures in differnt colours and chlothes and boards.SUDDLENY A PURPLE FLYING CREATURE CAME FROM NO WHERE.The creatures screamed and ran expect for was so scared i didn't know what to do so i ran out of cafe street and into the mission center and into the cow mission and got a nicho zapper.I ran back to the cafe street and zapped the nicho and finnaly it was gone.This planet is so weird i thought but before i finished that thought i waked up.Wow it was just a dream but then i looked at my computer and it said NICHO'S WILL RULE CHOBOTS...something told me that wasn't a dream...
    that was a fake story by iluvcookiezz

    Smurfet said...

    cool and scaaarrryyy stories :)) go on !! u have 1 more week to compete!! surprise me!

    Anonymous said...

    Here is my other story called "The nicho war" :

    In the year 2020 and the month, the chobots were sick of the nichos since they always been attacking their land and buildings. The mods. of chobots decided if they were going have a war with the nichos. Jessie said," We shouldn't have a war with the nichos and we should make a treaty with them." All the mods. agreed and they started to make the treaty. After they made the treaty, they thought it needed chobot signitures. They all took turns trying to get signitures from chobots. The next day, the treaty had 100,000 signitures, so the mods. went to the nicho hideout. They went to the nicho king and they gave the treaty to him. Vayerman said," We want to give you this treaty, so you can stop harming our chobot world." The nicho king looked at it carefully and he said," We will not stop our destruction!" The mods. all looked surprised and sad, vayerman said," Lets go to the mod. room to think about this." So the mods. went to the mod. room and try to think of the nicho crisis. Then hiki said," There is only one way to fight this crisis! Having a war!" Vayerman said," This might be the only way." The mods. decided thst there will be a war. Hiki posted on the community that there will be a war with the nichos and they need soldiars for the war. People sind up for the war since they wanted the nichos to go away for ever. The nichos finally knew that there was a was againest them, so they decided that if they win, they get the power of cho. The mods. got all the people who joined the army and rained the camo. suits, golden suits, and knight suits. The first battle was at the park. Chopix helped out with the battle. Mods. did mod. magic that made nichos disolve and the soldiers attacked them with thier suits. The nicho king was charging his attack, but vayerman saw him and attacked the nicho king. The nicho king falled of of chobots and never been seen again. All the nichos were gone and none of the chobots died. The war was done and the chobots won. They were all happy and the mods. had a huge party.

    I hope you like my story.

    Anonymous said...

    I didn't know it was that big!

    iluvcookiezz said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    iluvcookiezz said...

    when i was on chobots one day this rabitat creature said c'mon let's go party!I thought chobots only play this game so i asked who are u?The rabitat creature took off it's mask..and...was...a..NICHO!No just kidding smury was just playing a trick on us.Lol smury ur the best bunny chobots has.
    another fake story by iluvcookiezz

    Goku said...

    Once upon a time there was a chobot named perfect.All the chobots thought she was perfect.But actually she wasnt and she even admitted it. The chobots didnt believe her. She didnt know what she could do. Until nicheos came and grabbed everybody except perfect.Perfect thought if she saved them she will gain their trust!Perfect had been alone into nicheos world.EeeekkkkkK!!!All the chobots shouted.Perfect set a trap for the nicheos.She put 10 sandwitches in a circle.The nicheos smelled that right away and was to busy to notice Perfect was taking everybody back!Perfect had gained all the chobots trust now!
    The end was it to long??

    footsoilder said...

    MY story chobots the dream
    I woke up it was a cloudy day in chobots and i got out of bed my suprize when i saw smurfet outside my window i ran out and asked hi to add me he did then i asked could i be agent he said yes i told him he was the best mod ever and he told me that im a very nice agent and some day he might make me mod.MY name on chobots if footsoilder hope i win

    iluvcookiezz said...
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    iluvcookiezz said...
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    iluvcookiezz said...

    "Yo guys lets go on chobots" i said to my friend's."K let's go!"they said .We were goin on chobots expecting a normal chobot's day but now i wish we dind't go on today.When we got on chobot's were screeming AHHHHH but i dind't kno why till a minute after."STRAWBERRY!STRAWBERRY! WHERE ARE YOU!"Strawberry was my bff in chobots and real but she has disperred otta no where then i got a private message from her and it said ...nicho'!I went to the mission center but before i went there i got a light bulb hat 2 speed magic's 2 disapeer green magic's and 2 nicho zappers.I went in the nicho kingdom mission and handed strawberry a nicho zapper."HERE!"We zapped all the nicho's and found that all of the ctizens of chobots were there.After that the everyone was fine but the nicho's were planing something and we knew it...
    a fake story by iluvcookiezz

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    i joined 2 minutes later i met a friend named onecopycat and we hung out but i havnt seen him since my 100 b day and now im 253 i still havent seen him i wish he would come back and also my first day i met others like pokefire,elite666,and my bff moneyinthebank13 and and also larry

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    once upon a time on my first day of chobots was walking around then someone SCREAMED AHHHHHHHHH A NAKED PERSON everyone was laghing then i looked and it was me so i ran to the shop but it had been robbed by a nicho all that was left was a rock with a footprint on it i took it i went to cafe street (covered by the rock) and there stood the nicho i took the rock and threw it then it hit the nicho and an s-shirt landed on me and everyone cheered and they stole my shirt :(

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    read the second one not the first

    iluvcookiezz said...

    The Storm
    Once on a chobots day it started raining so when i went to sleep tonight i thought ~yawn~ "it'll stop raining tomrrow" but i was wrong.The next day it was still raing except that this time it had lighting!The chobots were terrorfied and didn't know what was happening.Then the day after that there was HAIL the chobots were so suprised "WHAT'S GOING ON?!?" the chobots said.They hoped that tomrrow the horribale wether would stop but it didn`t.It was snowing yep it snowed next the chobots couldn`t belive it.In the chobots blog hiki said sorry for the storn it was a joke from the mods at chobots for a little extiement for us.From that day on that story was known as "The Storm" but the wiersted part was the storm didn`t stop after the mods weren`t doing it.No one knows what had happening but we might never know for it was 20000 years ago,"Hey! is that snow?"
    a fake story by iluvcookiezz

    iluvcookiezz said...
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    iluvcookiezz said...

    When i went on chobots today i didn't know what to do.EVERYONE WAS GONE!Even the cows and nichos."WHAT IS WRONG WITH CHOBOTS!!"I searhed everywhere in chobots but still no one was here."Maybe they don't like me" i thought.I went into cow mission 2 and i..found..NOTHING.I went off chobots for a while to get some fresh air."mom...MOM" i screamed but there was no respound.I called my friends still nothing.i went outside noone was there."OH NO THERE'S GOTTA BE SOMEONE HERE" i keep screaming but i had to face it everyone was gone...
    a fake story by me iluvcookiezz

    Miss I Heartヅ said...

    It was Saturday Morning when i surf my friends' site and saw the poll tittled "Which game you enjoyed most , Cp or chobots? " i saw that lots of people voted chobots o.o i was wondering what is that game? i went to the link and registered up, and my name was dianamisaki. i explored more , play games hang out with my friends and join parties. One time i was hacked and i felt like, i dont want to play anymore)) but few days passed i realized that being hacked is a part of playing a game. And thats Why until now i still enjoy playing chobots and thats how i found chobots :))


    Chrisdogfan1 said...

    I was hanging out with my buddy, theawesomeone. We were gonna play tug of war, but the rope was gone! "Where could it be?" I asked. Theawesomeone shrugged. I looked all around and I saw everyone was spreading and using magic. I looked at theawesomeone and he looked at me. "Are we thinking the same thing?" I asked nodding and grinning. " I think your thinking what I'm thinking and we're both thinking." agreed theawesomeone. We both knew someone made the rope invisible. There was a mod! Theawesomeone and I ran to the invisible rope and played tug of war, when it rained!
    - chrisdogfan1

    THIS IS DEDICATED TO THE theawesomeone, who would always invite me when there was rain!

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