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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
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    Sunday, November 15, 2009
    Hey Guys!
    Im got to say that it was hard to choose!All the poems were awesome, but only one gets the S Shirt. The person who gets the S-Shirt is: Kiwii! Congrats!
    Also the following Chobots wrote awesome poems, so they will recieve 1000 bugs: Locomonkey77, Mcfreddy,yodathesod!
    Thanks for the poems everyone! :)
    P.S. Smurfet made one too ^_^ Check it out in the comments

    U P D A T E
    And special prize (1000 bugs) from me (Smurfet) get these cool writers : aute32, Nathaniel9909, nick. And 1 more S-shirt gets
    skett, which poem i really liked and laughed very much about the last sentence :)))
    Great job! Now surprise us with ur funny pictures in Dark's contest!

    U P D A T E
    Skett what is ur chobots name ?


    Anonymous said...

    Congrats! =)

    Anonymous said...

    and on a completely unrelated note

    -You should know who this is

    The Enthusiast said...

    :( i worked so hard :(

    locomonkey77 said...

    Congrats Kiwi and mcfreddy! And djvilas, every one is a winner, just only 3 got a prize for it. Prizes arent every thing! :)

    nflsmacktalk said...

    I know the unrelated one!
    it is about yolande!!!


    yodathesoda said...

    This is the first time i entered a contest, and i cant belive i one! I spelled my name wrong on the poem my name is really yodathesoda. Also how will i get my bugs?

    Plunder said...

    Smurfy u still need to announce the winners of the drawing contest ;)

    locomonkey77 said...

    Have you given out the prizes yet..? Idk if I made more bugs, I dont keep count on them..

    Domo32 said...

    Smurfy, you still need to announce the winners of your drawings contest for the painty bwush:D

    ♫Skett♫ said...

    my user name is still skett :)

    ♫Skett♫ said...

    u could give it to me when im not online bcus iof skool and i didnt know i won bcus im always busy with skool stuff srry hope u read this post ;)

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