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    Sunday, November 22, 2009
    So as u all know we are going to have both thnx giving and 400 followers party this week.

    The first 400 followers party will be held as i told before on tuesday at 3.00 am choTime at academy street Live-star. But ok i understand that for those who dont live in USA its too late.

    That's why another follower's party is going to be at park mimo-city on wednesday at 20.00 (8.00 pm) choTime.

    And the last party for this week (thnx giving party) will be held on thursday at 1.00 am choTime at Vanilla Park.

    Don't miss these parties, because i will be raining s-shirts!!! Cya there!

    Parties' time in different time zones:

    Central time (US & Canada) :
    2nd followers party: 14.00 or 2.oo pm
    thnxgiving party: 19.00 or 7.00 pm

    Eastern time (US & Canada) :
    2nd followers party: 15.00 or 3.oo pm
    thnxgiving party: 20.00 or 8.00 pm

    Pacific time (US & Canada) :
    2nd followers party: 12.00 or 0.oo pm
    thnxgiving party: 17.00 or 5.00 pm

    London time = choTime :
    2nd followers party: 20.00 or 8.oo pm
    thnxgiving party: 1.00 am

    Sydney time:
    2nd followers party: 6.oo am
    thnxgiving party: 11.00 am


    Anonymous said...

    ok kool i cant make the first one i might make the second and third i hope i can at least make one because i really want an s shirt

    salmon219 said...

    i might get to be at 2 and 3rd party but not 1 cause i get out of shool at 4:15 mountain time but i realy wabnt an s shirt

    Mcfreddy said...

    can u make 2 thnx giving parties?
    i live in usa and want a thnx giving party. =S

    locomonkey77 said...


    Anonymous said...

    aww cant make it make 2 partys one at 23 cho

    Dillon said...

    Awww, I will be at school :'(

    Anonymous said...

    That Really Stinks, Im pretty Sure i will miss all of them =/

    Twinkler said...

    Hiya Smurfy,

    I know you try your hardest with these partys but please oh please like what McFreddy said please make another party for thanksgiving aswell?? >.< -makes puppy dog face xD- pweeeaassseee lol oh and your peob already doing this but you should have all the partys go to all servers :)) ok bai thanks Smurfy!!

    Smurfet said...

    arg... well mb i will make one more on friday , i will see how many chobots will visit these 3

    Plutonio said...

    Smurfet, Can i return to the blog pls give me a chance? ;)Let me show what I can do.

    Anonymous said...

    when you say the 3.00 party thats at 10.00 chotime right?

    Anonymous said...

    i mean thats 10.00pm USA time right?

    Anonymous said...

    oh and smurfet!, (please answer)

    for the thanksgiving party, i no alot of people who will be at relatives houses.(including me) could you try to make another party? if you cant thats fine!
    thanks jat99ily

    Drake said...

    I can go to both parties :D


    Smurfet said...

    as i told probably i will make one more thnx giving party on friday , we'll see!!

    Anonymous said...

    ok thannks. and for the party on tuesday! is that 10.00pm USA time?

    Zach said...

    I loved the 1st party, i also suggest you should use your twitter again! it was awsome dude. Best regards

    Smurfet said...

    yeah, i think idea with twitter is good one!!!

    kind67 said...

    i thought the party was tuesday its monday???????

    Anonymous said...

    No kind67 it was tuesday CHOBOTS time not some other time.

    Mcfreddy said...

    smurfet. the party on wednesday wat time is it? u said 20.00 chotime i think. idk wat time it is in eastern time zone bc im pretty sure it isnt 8.00

    Anonymous said...

    ita 8.00. but does anyone no what time the 1st party is in usa time?

    Crazyha99 said...

    I can't go to either i live in U.S but don't understand it! :s

    Smurfet said...

    oh, guys........

    Twinkler said...

    LOL we are driving you crazy Smurfet xDD sorry buddy :))

    Anonymous said...

    singapore? ~smartdetective~

    Chace said...

    you gotta write japan

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