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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
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    Sunday, November 8, 2009
    I AM ENDING IT EARLY BECAUSE I HAVE SHCOOL TOMOROW AND CANT GET ON TILL LIKE 2:30 pm and most poeple wont be on then so the winners ba ba ba ba

    LoodyDoby Came In 1rst SO HE GETS S SHIRT -He Drew Carrot SHIRT PIC IS BELOW




    loodydoby said...

    WOW!!!!! REALLY?!?!?
    I'm glad you like it. :)

    Tyler™ said...

    there you go loodydoby i dont know when you will get it but you will

    DARK55 said...

    hi smurfet make the carrot in the shop to non citizen if u did it u ill be very lovly


    elite666 said...

    I think the carrot shirt should have Orange Sleeves and get rid of the Pack strings, just the carrot :)

    superbryan101 said...

    Good job. I knew the star flag wouldnt win xp

    Julz said...

    Cool! Good job, very creative.

    xoxo Julz

    Anonymous said...

    i had the same idea except it was a flag and it didn't have the pack straps

    Smurfet said...

    gratz LoodyDoby. Get ur prize!!

    Anonymous said...


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