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    Saturday, November 14, 2009
    Hello Everyone,
    I have a contest for you guys! You have to make a poem about Smurfy or his blog! It can be funny but it has to make sense!Best poem will receive an S-Shirt and other great ones will get bugs!
    P.S. Post your poems in a comment


    Yellowhouse said...

    A great,talented and awesome Cho-rabbit
    Posting on his blogs,improving Chobots and making Chobots Safe
    The Chobots Moderator


    Gonzales said...


    Smurfet is best
    He's the part of chobots team
    He do lots of cool thing on chobots
    He loves eating carrots:D

    He like wearing Green
    He is helpful
    He like making party
    he likes bunny mask

    Smurfet is the best

    Twinkler said...

    Smurfy Smurfy How I know thee by the name of a great green rabbit, a helper of chobots a brilliant blogger with the help of his pals.Smurfy Smurfy has alot of great fans for his green bunny spirit and a face full of gleee!!

    By Twinkler Hi Smurfy lol

    Twinkler said...

    Sorry it does not ryhme!!

    Unknown said...

    is a real nice mod,
    loves to post on the blog

    his favorite color green,
    he likes to be clean

    not so long since he is here,
    he sure loves to cheer

    a great chobot,
    makes people happy alot

    Unknown said...

    i hope ull like this one
    smurfet,our sweetes moderator
    likes very much to play "The terminator"
    and like always he wins
    and he gets a pair of wings.
    Not just any , but flame ones
    And moonkee like he always does,
    Tickles our winner,smurfet,
    The moderator we love.

    omarstar said...

    Smurfet is the best,he wears a bunny vest
    He makes chobots great,so he went to the gate,
    and picked some carrots for his friends,so this the end,
    The Smurfet we think of
    by omarstar

    danshannon12 said...

    Smurfet Smurfet
    He is so funny
    Even though he is a green bunny
    He loves green
    And he keeps chobots clean
    He likes chobots
    But maybe he will like robots
    He has a blog that is so neat
    And his contests are a treat

    From danshannon12

    flame_dart said...

    Smurfet is the best
    even though he can be a pest
    Eating carrots all day long
    There's no time to play ping-pong

    He's part of Chobots Team
    and he absiloughtly loves wearing green
    He designed an "S shirt"
    in chobots you must not flert.

    Hope you enjoyed my poem, Bye


    Anonymous said...

    Smurfet is a nice chobot
    Sometimes he pretends to be a robot!

    He isent very lame
    And i dont know if he loves rain!
    He is always there for us
    even on the snowy Christmas!

    Dont forget the rest
    Because Smurfet is the best!!

    lol it looks like a kid song O.o
    Hope i win :P


    Jamesbot said...

    smurfet smurfet smurfets the best,the big green bunny is so much fun,lots and lots of fans of him crowd around him like a king.

    jamesbot :)

    The Enthusiast said...

    Smurfet is kind
    Smurfet is green
    Smurfet is green as a christmas tree!

    He is so fun
    He is so funny
    He is so funny as a baby trying to say car

    We love smurfet
    We love to call him smurf
    But he doesnt look like a smurf
    Whats the diffrence anyway?

    Hope you like it :)

    Jessie2000 said...


    You have asked for a poem about "Smurfet"
    Hmmm, let me see, nothing rhymes, I will bet

    I could try maybe rhyming with "Smurfy"
    Ughh, even worse, unless it's his Birthday

    I know, how about if I call him "Bugs Bunny"?
    Well, maybe not, but it would've been funny

    So I shall just stick to this plan
    and say, "Smurfs" a Great man!
    But in the future......
    Can we just call him "Dan"???

    Jessie :)))

    Aqua121 said...

    Smurfet is the best
    I dont know bout the rest

    He is likes to go to bed
    He doesnt like the color red

    He is a mod
    He also had a fishing rod

    He doesnt like to ban
    But many are his fan!

    Weird poem 0_0

    Aute32 said...

    Smurfet you are awsome!
    Smurfet you are green!
    Smurfet you love carrots,
    Thats why you have big teeth!

    He always hides his face,
    He loves to play space games.
    He's always ready for a race,
    So go and take you're place!

    He looks just like a bunny,
    He always is so sunny!
    He has a big smile on his face,
    And that just is so funny!

    chobot ninja765 blog said...

    smurfet seems to like carrots
    bunnies too
    he has his blog which everyone loves
    hes nice and fair
    he makes jokes about glitches
    and tires them out too
    what is chobots with out smurfet


    kiwii said...

    i love it when smurfet cracks some jokes
    i laugh so hard i start to choke!
    but im ok and so is he
    smurfets the best chobot there will ever be!
    he is so so funny
    i want smurfet as my pet bunny!

    this poem was made by kiwii

    Ray Banatt said...

    Oh Smurfet, Oh Smurfet Oh how I love ya Smurfet, Your carrots huge! and carrots small, your like my pet rabbit of all. Oh Smurfet, Oh Smurfet I love Your Floppppyyyy ears for your hearing and a shirt of s`s, I love your bunny look and how green You are. Oh Smurfet, Oh Smurfet, You look so awesome with all your rain. So come down to add us for all your rainbow colors, I love how You jump, swoop, and hop. Smurfet I love You. Your my true Moderater. You should be an agent because your cute and how good you are with the free prizes.

    Poem by: Kirby7777, Happy female, Non stop player, Stylish Fun girl =D

    ♫Skett♫ said...

    Smurfet likes green
    He isnt mean
    He has a carrot top
    It makes my stomach flop!
    He likes to eat carrots
    Thank God he didnt get my parrot
    He is good and kind
    Like a god so divine


    yodathesoda said...

    I hope u havnt read this ryhme before,
    is u have it would be a bore.
    Now as u may of guessed,
    this poem is for smurfet.
    Always getting followed for an S-shirt,
    Oh god! it must hurt!
    Always with her bunny face,
    chobots see you and you must make haste!
    Smurfet, smurfet
    You are one of the best!
    ~yodathesod ;)

    Ray Banatt said...

    ''Another Poem''

    Oh You Smurfey,
    I love You Sooooy,
    With all your green stuff, on your wall,
    Your Orange food, and army a blue,
    For UUUUUU!!!!
    1 more bunny. one more light...1 more bunny burning bright, Sooooo UUU, WILL JOINN, OURRRRR CEL__I__ BRA___TION!!!! Oh Smurfey, You Will love, my heart, and yours, JOIN OUR FRIENDS IN A CIRCLE, FOR OUR FRIEND SMURFA,

    Poem By: Kirby7777, Happy female, Non stop player, Stylish fun player =DD

    yodathesoda said...

    i am sorry my name is yodathesoda not yodathesod as it says

    KAYLYN98 said...

    Super cool
    Much green stuff
    Everyone love him
    To cool for me =D

    KAYLYN98 said...


    KAYLYN98 said...


    Smurfet said...

    u wrote so many good poems
    should i send my special items?
    the s-shirt looks pretty
    and ur poems sounds witty!
    continue with ur writting
    i want to stay exciting!

    Guytar said...

    Smurfet oh Smurfet your a treat to have around even if you have a frown and not a treat to eat a treat to meet! :D ~Guytar~

    jglgs1998 said...

    Smurfy i love to see you mod i wonder if you would ever nod.
    how many people can say they would like to go to play then to see you. I would sell all my cloth just to see you at least say "Hello cholings how are you"

    flame_dart said...

    Hello Jessie did you like my poem?

    flame_dart said...

    Oh if u can "Jessie" could you post my poem on your blog? That would be great, Thanks-you


    Anonymous said...

    smurfy oh smurfy reminds me of eddie murfy. it just seems every day rain,rain,rain by our favorite mod but what would happen if he bought an would rain sunshine while hes listening to his fav tunes when all of a sudden out comes a rianbow for smurfy and his tune.
    ~ brian1king lol kinda of a random poem XD

    salmon219 said...

    smurfet is the best he dresses better them me he sends my letters on chobot when i ask him quistion he makes it seam funner on chobots when hes on hesnot as old as the lunar moon vit but hesthe best


    Mark™ said...

    Smurfet is the Best
    Me,him and friends
    Ultimate at Surprise
    Reading His Blog
    Flaring with some Post
    Eachwhere he goes,Im always There
    Tam a rabbit to be his frabbit

    The 1st letters at each sentence spell your name

    Doreysweetie626 said...

    Smurfet is a Mod, a blogger too. Do you see him? He see's you! With his bunny mask, he looks so cool. But his wiskers will droop, that is, if you go in a pool! Smurfet is the best, he beats the rest!

    Ascalon said...

    Smurfet oh Smurfet chobots love you they do your a great mod for everyone Smurfet oh Smurfet chobots love you they do.


    idreisrocks said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Haunted said...

    there once was a chobot called smurfet.
    who lived in his own little world eating carrots,he loved it
    while writing his blog on moofin and pie.
    he fell over his paintbrush and did cry.
    ohh no! said potter909 pass the guys a carrot
    pass teh guys a parrot? said darkcartman

    so they all laughed!!

    :D not so good yolande i tryed XD

    idreisrocks said...

    smurfet smurfet there is just 1,
    did smurfet win the s shirt well i guess he won,

    smurfet smurfet hops around,
    when he drops on the ground,
    smurfet smurfet bounces for fun,
    when he has his frown,

    smurfet smurfet have you ever tryed,
    singing the poem with pride,

    smurfet smurfet have you wanted to have a person looking after you feeding you carrots,
    well my carrots are carrotastic!!!
    smurfet smurfet are you my number 1?

    hope you liked it smurfet,

    Nathaniel said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Mcfreddy said...

    smurfet is also likes bunny
    also known as rabbits
    he thinks they are funny
    because they have farting habits

    bunnies eat carrots
    i also once saw
    a bunny kill parrots
    with his paw

    bunnies can be mean
    bunnies can be nice
    bunnies dont eat beans
    and bunnies dont eat rice

    the nicest bunny i know
    is smurfet the mod
    my old little fellow
    that once ate a fishing rod.

    hope u like it. ;)

    Nathaniel said...

    Smurfy, Smurfy
    A Lover of Carrots!

    Smurfy, Smurfy
    A Rabbit, So Kind :)

    Smurfy, Smurfy
    A Very Great Friend!


    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    heres the rules by smurfy on chobots no cursy u can buy a carrot and act like a rabbit but you can never be as kind as smurfy -monkeyboi912-

    nick said...

    s is for smart
    m is for marvelous blog
    u is for understanding chobot
    r is for rapid chobot
    f is for full of exitment
    e is for energetic
    t is for timid chobot

    locomonkey77 said...

    Is he a rabbit or is he a cho?
    Please tell me if you do know!
    Im confused and dizzy...
    Is his name Smurfet or is it Lizzy?
    Im seeing stars and birdies too..
    Is it just me, or is it just you?

    Smurfet confuses me with his ways.
    The way he laughs, and the way he plays.
    He eats carrots and cho-food too!
    I do not know what to do!

    Mabye hes a nicho in disguise!
    His disguise messes with my eyes.
    I try to ask him, but hes always busy.
    Please help, im super dizzy!
    I want to know!
    Is he a cho?

    He has fur on his head, but not on his arm..
    To me this sets off my alarm..
    Is he a mutant? I think not.
    Is he feeling cold? Or is he feeling hot?

    So many questions I need to ask..
    And the biggest one is..
    What is under smurfets mask?

    locomonkey77 said...

    If you didnt get it I meant you know smurfet has ALWAYS been wearing that bunny mask... I have never seen him with it off... So, I thought up this poem. Good luck to every one else!

    Best wishes!

    prburns said...

    who is kind
    who is helpful
    who is cheerful
    who looks out for others
    who likes to have fun with his fellow chobot friends
    who is curtious
    Smurfet Smurfet hes are man if he cant do it no1 can XD


    Anonymous said...

    Hes a Modertar of chobots
    Doing his joib
    Eating soem carrots
    Just like he does :)
    Being safe
    Having fun
    Thats why carrots are done :) LOL-chaldoboys

    Mcfreddy said...

    woah! in my poem the first line is 'smurfet is also likes bunny' lol. its supposed to be 'smurfet is like a bunny'

    samrat54 said...

    Smurfet is a little bunny.
    Eyes on his sides of my head.
    he sees to the left and right,
    Behind him and ahead.
    He is a little bunny,
    he has my very long ears.
    which help him hear many sounds,
    hear from far and near.
    He is a little bunny,
    with strong legs are for jumping.
    Warning others of danger,
    uses his feet for thumping.
    After all he is a chobots mod
    Laughs and talks to everyone
    He is so cool and dashing
    And shoul never go away from chobots
    Yaar!(friend in hindi)

    Anonymous said...


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