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Dear blog readers! If u have interesting information to post or beautiful pictures, nice videos or may be original ideas about the future parties-contests, u can send all this to my e-mail:, so i can make this blog more interesting to you.
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  • "Happyness is all around us. All you need to do is to pick it up." -Erich Maria Remarque
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    Tuesday, November 3, 2009
    Hi guys!
    I know alot of you want a S shirt! And I think this site needs a new banner...halloween is over now :)

    So I was thinking! Why not have a banner contest?
    All you have to do is make a banner, it should contain the words "Smurfet's Chobots Blog!" Or "Smurfet's Blog!" or something. And you can add any pictures, but nothing innapropriate and it must be related to chobots! Anything like carrots or other little things are fine!

    You have until November 9th. If I forget to post the winners please remind me in a comment :))
    Good luck! :) I can't wait to see your entries.

    ~Yolande :)))


    Julz said...

    Im sooo entering :)

    xoxo Julz

    cooldude1445 said...

    2nd comment well i dont no how to make banner! follow:)

    Anonymous said...

    Were can you make headers without downlouding?

    loodydoby said...

    im entering

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    heres ur banner code sorry couldnt get link OMG ITS NOT LETTING ME POST code ok im going try again grrrrrrrr not working lol where can i send code ill post on my blog but i cant get code on

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    its says not allowed ill put on blog

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    yolande whats ur email so i can email code

    ☠Monkeyboi912☠ said...

    ok i got it on blog new link here

    z3hn said...

    heres mine yolande! hope u like it just copy and paste the link and ull get the pic btw i did it on the sae size as the one on this blog k?oh and my blog is
    and heres the link to my banner for this blog:

    Artic288 said...

    Hi Yolande! Here is my banner for Smurfey! :)

    - Artic288

    PS: Good luck to all!

    Agent Clear said...

    Agent Clear said...

    Guyz: You can just comment the Image URL then theres an code for it...

    loodydoby said...

    heres mine!

    PS! Smurfet Can you give me any suggestions on how you would like the header? I can always change it a little. Thanks! It would help me and your blog a lot!

    turtle11 said...

    Here's my idea


    Agent Clear said...

    Lol i think people is confused between "HEADER" and "BANNER"

    Smurfet said...

    yeap, i think yolande meant blog header, but not a problem if u make good banner, which can be placed on other chobots blogs...

    Smurfet said...

    btw, checked the banners! good job :)

    Yolande said...

    wow guys! i looked at all of them! they are great! but, they should be atleast the size of the current one! some of them are a little too small!
    also artic288- i cant view your image, can u please change the link? thx

    loodydoby said...

    here is mine with potter909 updated!

    remember smurfet team if you would like me to change your clothes just give me a shout!

    Anonymous said...

    Here are some links :
    the second one isent good xD
    sorry if maybe one is from old banner but i update it a littel xd

    ganzy2 said...

    Here is Mine xP
    its not rlly good XP


    Julz said...

    plz dont end yet yoyo im so close to finished LOL
    XD thankyou :D

    xoxo Julz

    Julz said...

    Here's my entry :D

    I hope ya like it :D

    xoxo Julz

    aqua144 said...

    heres mine :)

    Blainyboy2627 said...

    Hey yolande Its me blainyboy2627 and i made my banner for smurfet and its the exact size the halloween one is (perfect fit)
    So here it is:

    iluvcookiezz said...

    mine is at =) click it to make it bigger

    Yolande said...

    WOW! I am VERY impressed guys :D
    GREAT JOB!))))

    Sheenieboy said...

    yolande here is my entery ! here is the link to it =) :

    Hope you like it =)

    By : Superman524

    poppingice said...

    i am making one now

    ganzy2 said...

    Here's other one with all authors on it :D
    Hope u likey .. :D

    Domidor said...

    Helo guys! :)
    This is my banner for Smurfet :)


    Anonymous said...

    heres my bannner for smurfet!!! it was so fun making it

    kiwii said...

    Mtzbrave23 said...


    ganzy2 said...

    Hey kiwii .... thats mine ....... /:

    Smurfet said...

    very nice contest and thnx all participants, u did great job!!!

    Unknown said...

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