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    Thursday, November 5, 2009

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    Guys this took me 2 hours to make and who would like these at membership items if you would like these as membership items leave a comment and if you like them leave a coment and the more coments we get the more likely chance that will hapen


    Yellowhouse said...

    They're cool ;)
    and now Smurf's blog has 350 followers!

    NMacadaan said...

    I DO I DO :D

    mcfreddy said...

    its not like they will switch it yet. they just put these items. they will switch it in like 3 months or something.

    Voltage said...

    awsome i like it but its cool and awsome!! by the way i dont get what im saying XD its awsome!

    Agent Clear said...


    They change it every month :)

    Anonymous said...

    Yay, at first i saw that... im like... oh no! The monk will come with the v_flag! YAY IT DOESN'T! And those items wont have a good chance of coming out but the Indian hat has a pretty good chance.
    Indian hat: I'd say about 99%
    Ghost Suit: Um i'd say.... 48.9%
    Monk: Well.... idk.... um maybe 23.2%?

    Oh well.... those were good items but not all them have a good chance of coming out this year.

    Anonymous said...

    ( continued from last comment )

    Sometimes, It's not always fair. People would have spent money for like cool items but then i dont think even better items could come out... i would say they'd all have to have a pretty good chance of coming out.
    What I say: ( me not mods so this might not be 100% accurate )

    the jet pack probaly just made 75% and im guessing that the monk had nowhere near 75.... but i SHOULD say, its not up to me, its up to the mods. Have fun!


    NMacadaan said...

    Ya I will pay because I want one they are soooo cool love em ;) fatsum2389

    Smurfet said...

    yeah, nice coments ron810 :) well, we'll just wait and see what will we got in the future !!!

    elite666 said...

    Ehhhhh I don't want those items :P I am happy with what I got! :)


    India said...

    hehe 8D
    did you design the indian hat? i like it!! it's called a turban btw lol ;)

    Starlet17 and Remix said...

    Wow they look cool. I bet every citizen would like to have one. Keep up the designing they rock. check my hippie dress/necklace on

    idreisrocks said...

    but what about the cho pack,
    lol jk ITS AWSWOME!!!

    Anonymous said...

    O_O I told myself after buying that 1 year membership that i wouldn't buy any more memberships till it expired... But Monk suit so tempting! well if i could wear my headphones with it of course =P (My blue headphones are my fav item, i got them when they were still for non citizens, i wear them with every outfit i can!) The jetpack was tempting too but Hiki said it's the fastest item but you never know if an even faster item will come out ya know? but yeah, I would so consider buying another 1 year membership if you can wear headphones with Monk suit! xD

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